What is the fastest ghost in Phasmophobia? Answered

The Sonic of ghosts.

A Video Camera screen recording the map.

In Phasmophobia, you aim to uncover which ghost is haunting the location via the evidence they leave behind and specific clues. However, just because they’re ghosts doesn’t mean they’re friendly because they will hunt you. Knowing which ghosts are the fastest is important so you can plan your getaway.

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The fastest ghost in Phasmophobia

A Spirit Box being used in a dark haunted house in Phasmophobia
The Moroi can be detected using a Spirit Box. Image via Kinetic Games

The fastest ghost in Phasmophobia is the Moroi. However, there are certain conditions that it and the other ghosts must meet to reach their ‘top speeds.’

The Moroi has a base speed of 2.25 meters per second. However, its speed can increase depending on the sanity levels of the team. At most, if the team’s sanity is between zero and five percent, the Moroi’s speed will increase to 3.71 meters per second. As long as your team’s sanity isn’t too low, you won’t have to deal with a Moroi’s top speed during the Hunt. If it is low, well, I hope you’re already in a hiding place because death is almost certain if they catch you.

Other ghosts whose speeds increase if certain conditions are met include the following:

  • Deogen: Top speed is 3.0 meters per second. This can be reached if it’s very far away from you. As it draws near, its speed will slow.
  • Revenant: Top speed is 3.0 meters per second. This can be reached if it senses you due to your voice or equipment or sees you. But it slows down once it’s near you.
  • Thaye: Top speed is 2.75 meters per second. This can be reached if the Thaye is young. If it’s old, it will be slow. Age affects even the ghosts.
  • Hantu: Top speed is 2.7 meters per second. This can be reached if it’s freezing. So, the colder it is, the faster it will get.

So, if all evidence points to the Moroi or any of these faster ghosts, slow them down or hide.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.