Abysmal Frigibax spawn rate is frustrating the Pokémon Go Community, and we couldn’t agree more

Where are they!?

A lone Frigibax screams for it to be available more in Pokémon Go
Screenshot via Nintendo

Today marks the second part of Pokémon Go’s Paldea event, with Pawmi, Nymble, and Bombirdeier all making their debut in abundance. While that’s all well and good, there was supposed to be a fourth Pokémon to grace this event too—but no one can find the thing.

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This is of course Frigibax, the pseudo-legendary Pokémon from the Paldea region that evolves into the monstrous Baxcalibur, a great Dragon Ice Pokémon that looks great in every team. Frigibax is supposed to debut today with all the other Paldea Pokémon, but if you are like me, you probably haven’t seen a single one in all your hours of playing.

This sentiment was echoed across the Pokémon Go community, with users on Reddit lamenting about the rarity of Frigibax on day one. In some cases, players caught nearly 2,000 Pokémon over the day and found a measly two Frigibax. In other cases, players simply weren’t able to find a single one.

Now, of course, we understand that this Pokémon is supposed to be a rare find, but it defeats the whole purpose if you can’t find one at all. For Arceus’ sake, at least add the Pokémon to raids like Bombirdier so players have a chance to get one, rather than giving us these abysmal catch rates.

Frigibax was showcased as one of the key event Pokémon for the next five days and was strongly featured in promotional material, so it defeats the purpose if Niantic isn’t going to spawn them at all, or in vanishingly small quantities. It feels cheap, Niantic, I want my ice dragon already! God forbid I find one and it’s a measly one-star after hours of searching.

At this rate, it looks like we’ll need to wait for Frigibax’s community day or Go Fest appearance to have any chance of finding one, however long that might take.

Image of Adam Newell
Adam Newell
If it has anything to do with Nintendo and Pokémon chances are you will see me talking about it, covering, and likely not sleeping while playing it.