Best Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go

They wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

Image via The Pokémon Company

We don’t think Pokémon Go fans will ever stop complaining about terrible Shiny designs in the game anytime soon. Shinies are extremely rare to get, and it takes a ton of effort even to make Shiny hunting a marginally easier experience, so it is only natural that fans want the Pokémon added to Pokémon Go to be ones that possess Shiny forms, which happen to be easy on the eyes.

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So why don’t we focus on just that? Pokémon Go has its fair share of mesmerizing Shiny Pokémon that will even turn casual players into Shiny hunters for a day, with more of these fantastic designs added to the game with every new update it receives.

These Pokémon Shiny versions may receive minor changes, intricate ones, or some that don’t make sense on paper whatsoever but work out surprisingly well. Whatever the case, these Shinies are all beauties in their own right and deserve to be appreciated, which is precisely why we have come up with this list.

Thett Shiny Pokémon talked about on this list are speculative and subjective takes, which not everyone will see eye-to-eye with; however, different opinions are always welcome.

Here are the 10 best Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go, ranked from good to best.

10) Mew

Shiny Mew event promo in Pokémon Go
Image via Niantic

As a Generation I Pokémon, Mew has a simple and minimalistic design that speaks volumes. It is said to be the ancestor of all Pokémon, possessing the DNA of every species that came after it, which is why the choice of making Mew entirely pink (apart from the eyes) was genius, as it subliminally reminds viewers of an embryo, a newly-forming baby, and invokes in the mind the concept of being the source of life.

The Shiny version of Mew changes the cotton-candy pink to a cotton-candy blue with its eyes turning a few shades darker, a simple visual change most certainly welcome. It’s a fun color and a Shiny form that players will be happy to hunt for in Pokémon Go.

9) Starmie

Shiny Starmie in-game screen in Pokémon Go
Screengrab via Niantic

What was once Misty’s signature Pokémon and something trainers feared facing is now a starfish forgotten in the waters of the Kanto region. But while it may not be the strongest, it does have a solid design, with the violet, gold, and red colors playing off of each other’s tones to create a pleasant aesthetic.

Starmie’s Shiny, however, is excellent for different reasons. The violet on its body turns a dull shade of blue, the gold ring almost looks like it has now rusted, and the gem in the middle turns a saturated blue. When put together, these elements give Starmie an offbeat, strange feel that surprisingly works, especially for a Pokémon that looks so otherworldly, with the new Shiny colors only multiplying the ‘out of this world’ feel that Starmie already possessed.

8) Gyarados

Shiny Gyrados in-game screen in Pokémon Go
Screengrab via Niantic

The Pokémon Company does an excellent job at making its cool-looking Pokémon even more relaxed in their Shiny forms, other than a couple of instances (looking at you, shiny Garchomp), which is the case for Gyarados and its awe-inspiring Shiny design.

This ingenious change only alters a single aspect of Gyarados’ design, changing its primary blue color into a smooth yet threatening crimson. Regular Gyarados have a mean look, slightly offset by the calming blue covering most of their body. In its Shiny form, however, replacing the blue with crimson multiplies the fear that a Gyarados will instill in you, even before it gets to chomping a limb or two off of you.

7) Umbreon

Shiny Umbreon in-game screen in Pokémon Go

This entry features a more subtle change. This Gen 2 favorite showcases a new blue color, replacing the fur pattern’s yellow, making the shiny Pokémon look even more like a fabulous creature of the night. On top of that, Umbreon’s eyes turn from red to yellow like its original design’s accent color.

Commonly, Eeveelutions feature a complete palette swap, but Umbreon’s more subtle change of its accent color feels right. Maybe this creature of the night becomes vibrant and luminescent when threatened, thanks to its new shiny color scheme.

6) Charizard

Shiny Charizard in-game screen in Pokémon Go
Screengrab via Niantic

The Pokémon Company and Gamefreak’s favorite non-Dragon-type dragon, Charizard, is probably the very first Pokémon we saw as kids, and we thought there could be nothing more badass than this. 

Oh, there very well can be, and it’s the Shiny form of Charizard itself. Changing its body from vibrant orange to a subdued but imposing black, with the underside of its wings turning crimson from blue, makes Charizard seem like an absolute powerhouse at first glance. Something about the color black that multiplies the coolness factor of already cool-looking Pokémon, huh?

5) Dragonite

Shiny Dragonite in-game screen in Pokémon Go

This new green and purple design looks fresh and brings a nice take to Dragonite’s repertoire. Even for those who find the new color a bit vile, one can’t argue with the classic, almost childlike dragon appearance.

Encountering this shiny creature in a cave or deeply hidden away just feels right.

4) Rapidash

Shiny Rapidash in-game screen in Pokémon Go
Screengrab via Niantic

Yet another simple but effective design symbolic of Generation I, Rapidash is a hairless horse whose flames emanate from its body and act as its fur. This minor addition to an otherwise bland design makes Rapidash the surprise it is.

Seeming like what is a trend on this list, Shiny Rapidash takes one element of the Pokémon’s regular design and changes its color to give the Pokémon a wholly new and improved feel. The gray-blue flames emanating from its body give Rapidash a mysterious and regal vibe while also sending a shiver down your spine if you stare at it long enough. 

Ponyta was a strong contender for this spot on the list as well, with its energetic, bright blue flames instead; its evolution hits the ball out of the Shiny park a little bit further, however.

3) Politoed

Shiny Politoed in-game screen in Pokémon Go

Politoed’s new color scheme is actually pretty drastic, keeping nearly nothing from the original yellow and green, and this design is ultimately even better than it. Politoed’s shiny look featuring a new blue and pink design exudes a sherbet or cheery scheme that works quite well.

Not only does the blue and pink utilize the swirl well, but that design would help a water-based Pokémon spend their days in the water.

2) Metagross

Shiny Metagross in-game screen in Pokémon Go
Screengrab via Niantic

Ever since Generation III, every kid that laid their eyes on this massive hunk of steel and sound design choices wanted a Metagross for themselves, and how could they not? That large silver cross on its front shows it means business, and combined with the rest of its royal blue coloring and menacing stance, you could only dare to think of beating this monster.

As if this beast of a Pokémon wasn’t already the pinnacle of cool and badass, The Pokémon Company decided to give its Shiny form one of the most astonishing looks ever. Taking the cross’ silver and repurposing it as the Pokémon’s primary color, and switching its cross and the spikes on its claws to a bright yellow gives it a fantastic contrast that blows you away visually while also letting its Shiny stand out and be unique.

1) Mega Gengar

Shiny mega gengar before and after comparison in Pokémon Go
Image via Niantic

Mega Gengar has the most quintessential Ghost-type Pokémon look a design could ever have. This is no surprise since the Gengar line was the very first of suck types in the franchise, and that signature shade of purple transitioning into red towards the bottom of Mega Gengar’s design screams “iconic”.

Its Shiny form takes what made Mega Gengar so ghostly (or Ghastly) and multiplies it twofold. The change from almost entirely purple to a striking and eerie shade of white that transitions into a soft pink in contrast with its dead, gray eyes makes this Pokémon’s Shiny form seem undead and something you should probably stay far away from. 

It also makes the yellow third eye on its head stand out much more prominently, giving its entire look an ominous and imposing vibe, imposing enough to have this Shiny design land on the No. 1 spot on our list.

Image of Yash Nair
Yash Nair
Yash is a freelance writer based in the tropical state of Goa, India. With a focus on competitive Pokémon, he also writes general guides on your favorite video games. Yash has written for sites like Dot Esports and TouchTapPlay, and has a distinct love for indie video game titles.
Image of Jessica Scharnagle
Jessica Scharnagle
Jessica has been an esports and gaming journalist for just over five years. She also teaches esports journalism at Rowan University. Follow her for all things gaming, @JessScharnagle on Twitter.
Image of Austin Ernst
Austin Ernst
Austin is an Updates Writer and Fallout Fanatic. He founded his podcast channel, Shared Screens, and his words can be found at Six One Indie and TheGamer on top of writing for Gamurs. Austin is recently married as of October 2022, and has two Aussie dogs.