Pokémon Go players reveal the biggest ‘cheat’ locations to play the game

Big cities bring big rewards.

Screenshot of an active Poke Stop in Pokemon Go
Screenshot via Niantic

Pokémon Go players have been discussing the best locations to “cheat” while playing the game, places where you can benefit from much more content.

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The mechanics of Pokémon Go use real-world locations for gyms and Pokéstops, with post offices, churches, and landmarks among the more common types.

That of course means that players in large cities have a distinct advantage over those who live in smaller communities, which can result in not a lot going on for the latter, whereas players in cities have significantly more content.

A discussion sparked on Reddit regarding the matter, with a player sharing a screenshot in-game from a trip to Tokyo that featured Primal Groudon raids as far as the eye can see.

Players from the United States soon chimed in, stating it was similar in locations like New York and Seattle, while others bemoaned how quiet it can be in the game if you don’t live in a high-populated area.

Living in a small village, it’s something I can relate to. My nearest gym is only a short walk away but only changes ownership around once a week, which severely limits the income of coins I get that are necessary to buy remote raid passes.

I need remote raid passes to access raids themselves, as there is never anyone nearby to join. That’s a stark contrast to a recent trip I made to Manchester, where there were gyms everywhere and plenty of raids to join.

Unfortunately, the mechanics of Pokémon Go mean it is unlikely to change anytime soon, though we can at least hope for a price reduction of remote raid passes or an increase in the rewards from defending a gym.

Image of Josh Challies
Josh Challies
Staff Writer. Professional writer since 2014. Pokemon, Marvel, Star Wars and overall geek. Previously wrote for Yahoo Sport, Stats Perform and online news publications.