Bajheera, the professional gamer and bodybuilder, on how to stay fit and healthy while gaming

It's easier than you think.

Image provided by Bajheera

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Jackson “Bajheera” Bliton is one of a small group of gamers who are leading the charge in creating a healthier approach to the esports lifestyle. Bajheera might spend a majority of his day creating gaming content for thousands of fans around the world. But he still makes time to shift huge amounts of weight and stay fit—even as he and his wife are expecting a child. Combine that with a Pro Natural Bodybuilder status and the #GAMESandGAINS movement really starts to take off.

We spoke with Bajheera about what it takes to balance being a Rank 1 World of Warcraft competitor—and keep on as one of the fittest gamers on the planet.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Bajheera. Let’s start with what inspired your move into fitness.

Fitness has been a big part of my life since I was pretty young. I’ve been going to the gym since I was 12 and was active in sports from grade school into college. I look at content creation as an opportunity to share my interests and passions with my viewers so bringing them into my love for fitness seemed like a natural fit. Deciding to compete in bodybuilding really was just born out of my love for training and competition and so far it’s gone pretty well.

It certainly has gone well for you. You may even hold the title for the world’s fittest professional gamer.

Haha, I don’t know if I can make that bold of a claim, but I do think I’m probably one of the only content creators that holds a Rank 1 Gladiator Title in World of Warcraft and a current Natural Pro Bodybuilding status 😀

That is a valid claim! Was it an easy habit to develop?

Since fitness has been such a big part of my life from a young age, having my physical health be a priority does come naturally for me now even while having a multitude of other objectives I want to accomplish for the day!

One of the things I like to remind my viewers is: “Discipline is a skill and like any other skill, the best way to get better at it is by practicing!”

“Discipline is a skill and like any other skill, the best way to get better at it is by practicing!”

Jackson ‘Bajheera’ Bilton

Might have to adopt that mantra myself. Have you noticed a difference in your performance and life both in and out of the game?

Oh absolutely, my fitness goals help me at least get some exercise, eat well and make sure that I get rest during the day. And, I find that if I take care of my physical well-being the mental and emotional well-being is much improved as well.

World Hearing Week just passed. Hearing is often neglected. Have you ever taken a hearing test?

I have taken hearing tests and everything was OK when I did, but probably always good to keep these sort of things in mind and make sure everything is in top shape.

Are there any other areas of health that you focus on outside of bodybuilding?

Pretty much every day after my weight training I’ll do about 30 minutes of core work with stretching and then I’ll head out for a 35-40 minute walk with my wife Jenny to get some sun, fresh air, and to loosen up a bit.

I’ve also been working on some reading time before bed, currently working on Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Value, at the recommendation of my Dad.

If you had to start again, where would it begin?

I generally would encourage my fellow gamers to set aside some time every day for exercise. I love weight training personally, but even just going for a walk can do wonders for your health and can be a nice starting point for starting a resistance training program as well.

You are expecting a baby very shortly, Congratulations! How do you think you will go balancing your streaming career, bodybuilding and a newborn?

Thanks! Yeah, I imagine the little one will shake up our schedule for a while, but fortunately, Jenny and I make a pretty darn good team and we have a lot of support from our families. So I’m confident we’ll be able to find a schedule that works and manage when things get a little wild.

Absolutely! Being a champion competitor both in the game and out, what tips do you have for people trying to strike the balance between gaming and their health?

I think setting health and fitness as a high enough priority in the day and getting the job done no matter what is something that helps me. Setting goals and looking at each day as an opportunity to move toward those goals is a mindset I find helpful.

If you could go back and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

I actually think about this a fair amount and honestly, I wouldn’t want to change a thing since what I did has led me to where I am today.  It’s an absolute dream come true to be in my position.

That being said I’m so proud of my younger self for having the courage to pursue the things that I was passionate about and intend to keep working my hardest to make the most out of the opportunities I have.

As Steve Prefontaine said “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

Here’s to giving everything your best! Thanks for your time with us Bajheera, where should we go to keep up with all things #GAMESandGAINS?  

Thanks so much! People can expect daily content from me on all of Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, Instagram and, Facebook.

Image of Aiden Hiko
Aiden Hiko
ANZ esports fan. Self-confessed Ice Coffee addict. Not farming Ashes of Al'ar anymore because it dropped last week.