Training day with Gamer Sensei: League of Legends

How does it work, and how can it improve your rank?

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Outside of the top tier of professional esports, coaching is a relatively new concept in the world of competitive gaming. Depending on how well the grassroots competitive scene is developed in your region, the first time you might come across a coach may be at the top level. This is where coaching services provided by GamerSensei come in because you shouldn’t have to make it to the top by yourself. 

The coaching process isn’t for everyone, but if you plan on making it to the big leagues, it’s definitely something you should start sooner rather than later. We sat down with the team at GamerSensei to discuss what goes into a coaching session, and how consistent coaching can improve your game. 

So what does a League of Legends coaching session with GamerSensei look like? 

It all starts with a conversation

First, your coach will want to understand your pain points and analyze your play style. You can learn a lot about someone from a simple conversation. The Coach will analyze your results on websites like and begin looking at your goals and how they can be achieved. Having an understanding of what roles and champions you like will be pivotal in building a foundation that your coach can build on. If you want to learn a new role entirely, that can also be done—but it’s important to bring that up in this initial conversation. 

A goal without a plan is just a dream

Once that foundation is set and you’ve worked out your goals with your coach, they will work with you to put together a plan that moves you closer to your goals each session. This could be as simple as small training exercises that help develop micro or macro skills. Each plan is customized to your skill level and goals and your coach will be dedicated to keeping you on track.

Is your computer optimized for gameplay?

Having tunnel vision on your goals can sometimes do more harm than good. Using a Coach gives the perfect opportunity to provide a different perspective and allows them to think about things you may not have before. This extra perspective includes things like optimizing keybinds, changing computer settings or even modifying the user interface to offer fewer distractions. Each role can be optimized in different ways, your Coach will help ensure you are set up perfectly to achieve your goals. 

Let’s do it live

Next up, it will be time to put on a show and play a game either with your coach or with your coach spectating. Either way, that can feel like a daunting experience. But rest assured they are not there to flame you. In fact, you may not even hear from your coach during this first game, they are only there to observe and get to know your playstyle better. This process is all about understanding your current flaws and gives your coach a better opportunity to plan for your goals. 

Becoming a Titan on the Rift

After that first game, your coach will be able to immediately offer your tips to improve. Your plan will become a timeline and you will set goals along the way to becoming the best player you can be. It is in this final step that a coach will set up your next session, give you your homework and training drills. Now with a plan in place, it isn’t just about not letting yourself down, but you don’t want to let your coach down either. What more motivation do you need? 

Each Gamer Sensei Coach will have specific skill sets and methods to their technique. Head on over to Gamer Sensei, sign up and take a look at the League of Legends Coaches. Find the coach that best suits your goals. With the help of a Gamer Sensei, maybe one day we will see you up on that world stage.

Image of Aiden Hiko
Aiden Hiko
ANZ esports fan. Self-confessed Ice Coffee addict. Not farming Ashes of Al'ar anymore because it dropped last week.