In Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the story revolves around Cal Kestis finding a new home and stopping the Empire. The Force abilities Cal had in Jedi: Fallen Order are present in Jedi: Survivor, and you need to know how to reach maximum Force quickly to win every fight in the game.
Jedi Survivor has a range of mechanics similar to its predecessor, including stim upgrades, Force Echoes, Essence Crystals, Force Tear challenges, and more. You can increase Cal’s maximum health and Force through various methods. The game also features a Skill Tree where you can use Skill Points to unlock different abilities. The Skill Tree is divided into three sections: Lightsaber, Survival, and Force powers. To get maximum Force, you must unlock some of the Force powers from the Skill Tree.
Remember that you will encounter tougher opponents as the story progresses, so we recommend leveling up early. This means you need to increase your maximum Force and health and also unlock new lightsaber stances to master them.
Related: Best battle stances in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, ranked
Here’s how to increase Cal’s max Force in Jedi: Survivor.
How to get max Force in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
The Skill Tree in Jedi Survivor consists of three main aspects, Force powers, lightsaber combat, and survival tactics. To maximize Cal’s Force powers, you need to unlock the skills under Jedi Concentration using skill points. Here are the upgrades you must unlock from Jedi Concentration in the Skill Tree to increase Cal’s maximum Force in Jedi Survivor.
- Attunement—costs one Skill Point
- Lucid Attunement—costs two Skill Points
- Enlightened Attunement—costs three Skill Points
Besides increasing Cal’s maximum force, you also need to focus on regaining Force while fighting opponents. Here are the best skills you can unlock to help Cal regain Force during combat.
- Channeled Energy—costs one Skill Point
- Swift Focus—costs one Skill Point
Apart from unlocking new skills, you can also find Essence Crystals around the planets to increase Cal’s maximum Force by gaining Force Essence. These crystals increase your maximum health and Force and give certain perks and XP.
Essence Crystals are light blue in color and can be found in tricky spots. Some of the Essence Crystals you can gather early in the game are located near the Derelict Dam area in Koboh. Similarly, you will find a Force Essence while navigating through the Smuggling Tunnels under Pyloon’s Saloon.