German citizen apologizes to South Korean streamer for racist remarks she’s received

Despite the various incidents, Lee said she's extended her trip in Germany for another month.

Screengrab via Giannie Lee

In the time that Gianee Lee has spent livestreaming Germany for her “IRL” broadcast, she’s encountered multiple racist people who have openly approached her stream. The latest person to come on her stream, however, apologized for the actions of other Germans who have made their way onto her stream.

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The incidences haven’t gone unnoticed by the German media., a German publication, interviewed Lee about the racist people she’s encountered and Lee maintained a positive attitude about Germany. In a recent livestream, another German approached her stream and this time had something positive to say. “Welcome to Germany, I’m sorry about my German compatriots, I feel sorry.”

The racist remarks began when she was eating at a restaurant and a couple of Germans antagonized Lee for being from South Korea by making fun of her appearance. It was clear they were intoxicated, but it wasn’t the only racist incident Lee experienced while in Berlin, Germany.

Later, while she was on the streets of Berlin, a Turkish man came onto her stream uninvited and said, “ching chong ching chong.” He immediately backpedaled and tried to make small talk with Lee who clearly didn’t appreciate his disturbance.

Despite the few racist encounters Lee has come across, it’s clear she’s not letting anything ruin her trip. Recently, Lee announced that she’s extended her trip through Germany for another 30 days.
