ItsSliker claims Twitch staff tried to block him from partnership status

He was a top-performing affiliate for years before gaining partnership status.

Screengrab via ReddCinema on YouTube

The Iraqi-British Twitch personality ItsSliker claimed yesterday that Twitch staff in the U.K. tried to stop him from getting partnered on the platform. Known for his irreverent comedy, blunt honesty, and variety streams, Sliker revealed some details on his multi-year struggle for Twitch partnership.

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“I heard from a staff member [at] Twitch—they told me that the U.K. staff didn’t want me to get partnered, on my mom’s life,” Sliker said on stream. “They said the American staff were trying to contact the U.K. staff to get me partnered, but they refused.”

Sliker has been qualified for a Twitch partnership since 2018 and was a frequent guest on the Austin Show, where his affiliate status and inability to get partnered was a community meme. After years of patience and consistent streaming, Sliker was partnered in March 2020.

Despite his success on Twitch with nearly 4,000 subscribers and 400,000 followers, Sliker has been a vocal critic of the platform. In 2019, he said that Twitch partners receive preferential treatment. He pointed out that streamers can be banned for insulting Twitch partners, but not Twitch affiliates.

In 2020, he critiqued the platform again. “Twitch would do anything just to keep themselves safe [and] not care about their own creators,” Sliker said. “I know I’m partnered by Twitch… but there’s freedom of speech in my opinion.”

While beloved by his community, Sliker is a controversial figure. He calls women “bitches” on stream and was banned from the Grand Theft Auto roleplay server NoPixel earlier this year after allegedly harassing female roleplayers.

Koil, the owner and lead developer of NoPixel, explained that Sliker was banned because he kept cat-calling women and used the sexualization of female roleplayers for content. Sliker initially blamed the LGBTQ community for the ban but later clarified he meant to say “SJWs” instead in an apology via Twitter.

Sliker remains in the top 50 most-watched English Just Chatting channels on the platform, according to Twitch Metrics.

Image of Kate Irwin
Kate Irwin
Kate Irwin is a PC gamer passionate about FPS games and has an MFA in writing. You can follow her on Twitter @pixiekate13