Every TFT Set 6.5 champion: Abilities, stats, and updates

Fire up Neon Nights and blast opponents into oblivion with the knowledge of each Set 6.5 champion.

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Over 20 Teamfight Tactics champions are joining the Set 6.5 Neon Nights roster, showcasing new champions and abilities.

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Champions new to TFT Set 6.5 include Silco, Renata Glasc, Zeri, Corki, and Alistar. The only League champion who has not appeared in the auto battler is Rammus. A large number of TFT champions are also making their first appearance within the sixth set, like Lucian, Senna, Sejuani, Morgana, Draven, and Ahri. Many Gizmo & Gadgets champions are returning in Set 6.5, keeping their previous spells and abilities despite some of them having different traits.

Abilities and stats are subject to change following the PBE release and with each TFT Set 6.5 update, after the official launch takes place on Feb. 16.

Here’s every TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights champion and their spells, listed by cost. 

One-cost TFT Set 6.5 champions

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Brand’s spell Sear launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for four seconds and dealing magic damage. If the enemy is already lit, they suffer an explosion of bonus magic damage that stuns them for one second. Brand’s traits are Debonair and Arcanist.

  • Damage: 135/175/235
  • Bonus damage: 165/225/300
  • Stun duration: 1/1.5/2
  • VIP bonus: Fires a second fireball at a different nearby target, prioritizing ablaze enemies, dealing 45 percent reduced damage.


Caitlyn’s Ace in the Hole spell targets the farthest enemy, dealing 900/1500/2250 magic damage to the first enemy her bullet hits. Her traits are Enforcer and Sniper. Caitlyn’s attack speed is 0.8.


Camille gains a shield blocking 300/400/600 damage over a total of four seconds with her spell Defensive Sweep, then sweeps her leg, dealing 200/275/375 magic damage to enemies in a cone. While the shield is active, Camille’s attacks restore 30 health. Camille’s traits are Clockwork and Challenger.


Darius’ spell Decimate swings his axe in a circle, dealing 100/150/200 magic damage. He then heals himself for 50/75/100 health for each enemy hit. His traits are Syndicate and Bodyguard.


Ezreal fires Mystic Shot at his target, dealing 125/200/350 magic damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 18 percent bonus stacking attack speed, up to 150 percent at five stacks. Ezreal’s traits are Scrap and Innovator.


Illaoi slams her target with Harsh Lesson, linking her soul to them for five seconds and dealing 250/375/650 magic damage. While linked, Illaoi heals for 30/35/45 percent of the damage taken by her target. Illaoi’s traits are Mercenary and Bruiser.

Jarvin IV

Jarven IV calls down Ageless Standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies bonus attack speed for five seconds. Traits for Jarvin IV are Hextech and Striker.

  • Attack speed: 40/55/80 percent


Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target with Null Sphere, dealing 200/275/340 magic damage, applying 35/50/65 percent mana reave across the board, and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces incoming damage by 30 percent for a total of four seconds. Kassadin’s traits are Mutant and Scholar.


Nocturne uses Unspeakable Horror, stunning his target for 2/2.5/3 seconds with fear and dealing 200/300/400 magic damage over the duration. His traits are Hextech and Assassin. Nocturne is mana locked for the duration of his spell.


Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing 180/220/280 percent of her armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks 250/375/525 damage. Poppy scales with armor and her traits are Yordle and Bodyguard.


Singed flings a nearby enemy toward the largest cluster of enemies with his spell Fling, stunning his target for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take 125/175/250 magic damage and are briefly stunned. Singed traits are Chemtech and Innovator.


Twitch fires Piercing Bolt toward his target, dealing 125 percent of his attack damage as physical damage and applying 50 percent Grievous Wounds for five seconds. He has the traits Chemtech and Assassin.

  • Piercing Bolt base damage: 60/70/80


Ziggs hurls a Mini Inferno Bomb at his target. The bomb lands after a moderate delay, dealing 250/350/475 magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter and half of that damage to adjacent enemies. Ziggs traits are Yordle, Scrap, and Arcanist.

Two-cost TFT Set 6.5 champions

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Ashe’s spell Volley fires arrows at her target, dealing 100 percent of her attack damage as physical damage per arrow and slowing their attack speed by 20 percent for three seconds. Her traits are Syndicate and Sniper.

  • Percent of attack damage: 100/100/100 percent
  • Arrows: Eight at all star levels


Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy with Rocket Grab within a range of four Hexes, dealing 150/300/900 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling inflicts knock-up for one second. Allies within range prefer attacking Blitzcrank’s target. Blitzcrank’s traits are Scrap and Bodyguard.


Corki’s spell Bombardment fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact dealing 180/220/290 magic damage to nearby enemies. Traits for Corki are Yordle and Twinshot.


Quinn targets an enemy with Disarming Assault, dealing 200/300/650 magic damage to all targets damaged by her spell. All enemies hit with Quinn’s spell have their attack damage reduced by 40/40/80 percent for a total of four seconds. The main target is disarmed for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds and all nearby enemies have their attack damage reduced for a total of four seconds. Quinn’s traits are Mercenary and Challenger.


Lulu targets 1/2/3 low health allies with Wild Growth, granting them 350/370/390 bonus health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already embiggened with Wild Growth, they are healed instead. Lulu’s traits are Yordle and Enchanter.


Rek’Sai bites her target with her spell Furious, dealing 125 percent attack damage, plus 100/150/200, and stealing 30 percent of her target’s armor and magic resistance. Her heal is  200/225/333 with ability power scaling. Rek’Sai heals 275/350/600 (scales with ability power) if she has already bitten her target. Her traits are Mutant, Bruiser, and Striker.


Sejuani signals to charge via Fury of the North, dealing magic damage and stunning her target for a few seconds. She then gains Frost armor, granting her 75 armor and magic resistance for four seconds. Sejuani’s traits are Hextech, Bruiser, and Enforcer.

  • Armor and magic resistance: 50/75/125
  • Stun duration: 1.5/1.5/2 seconds
  • Magic damage: 300/450/750


Swain unleashes his spell Death’s Hand in a cone toward his target, dealing 250/350/500 magic damage to enemies within, and healing Swain for 250/300/350 for each enemy hit. His traits are Hextech and Arcanist.


Syndra uses Force of Will to fling the nearest enemy toward the furthest opponent, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact and stunning the thrown target for three seconds. Her traits are Debonair and Scholar.

  • Damage:  225/300/425
  • Stun duration: 2/2.5/3 seconds
  • VIP bonus: Syndra’s spell impact area is larger and knocks up affected enemies for 1.5 seconds


Talon’s Blade’s End spell has a Passive: Talon’s first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for 450/600/850 magic damage over seven seconds. Every third attack on a target applies an additional bleed. Talon’s traits are Debonair and Assassin.

  • VIP bonus: Bleed deals true damage and lasts 100 percent longer


Warwick’s spell Eternal Hunger has a Passive: Warwick’s Attacks deal an additional 6/9/12 percent of his target’s current health as bonus magic damage and heal him for the damage dealt. His heal is 30/40/50. His traits are Chemtech and Challenger.


Zilean places Time Bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. The bomb explodes when the stun ends or the target dies, dealing 275/400/777 magic damage to adjacent enemies and applying  30/40/50 percent attack speed Slow for four seconds. Zilean’s traits are Clockwork and Innovator.


Zyra summons vines with Grasping Spines in the row with the most enemies, dealing 275/375/575 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds. Her traits are Syndicate and Scholar.

Three-cost TFT Set 6.5 champions

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Cho’Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range with Feast, dealing 850/950/1050 magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, up to 30/60/999. Each stack of Feast grants Cho’Gath two percent bonus health and size permanently. His traits are Mutant, Colossus, and Bruiser.


Ekko invokes Parallel Convergence which launches a device toward the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals 150/200/400 magic damage to enemies within and applies  20/20/30 percent reduced movement speed for a total of four seconds. Allies inside gain 30/50/70 percent attack speed for a total of four seconds. Ekko’s traits are Scrap, Assassin, and Innovator.


Gangplank shoots his target with his spell Parrley, dealing a percent of his attack damage plus bonus physical damage. If this eliminates a champion, Gangplank plunders one gold. His traits are Mercenary and Twinshot.

  • Spell attack damage percentage: 225/250/300 percent
  • Spell base damage:  110/175/275


Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar and throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within boulder range, dealing 175 percent of his attack damage plus 150/200/300 bonus damage as physical damage to all enemies it passes through. While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains health, and his mana costs are reduced by 20. Gnar’s traits are Yordle, Socialite, and Striker.

  • Transform health: 500/750/1200


Leona uses Solar Eclipse, granting herself a 500/800/1300 health shield for a total of four seconds. Leona and allies within two Hexes gain 30/50/80 armor and magic resistance for the same duration. Her traits are Debonair and Bodyguard.

  • VIP bonus: Leona heals for 1.25 percent of maximum health for each enemy targeting her.


Lucian’s spell Relentless has him dash away from his current target and fire shots at nearby enemies, dealing magic damage. His traits are Hextech and Twinshot.

  • Damage: 175/275/300
  • Shots: 2/2/3


Malzahar targets the mind of the closest unafflicted enemies, dealing 650/900/1100 magic damage over eight seconds and applying 40 percent magic resistance shred for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest 1.5 unafflicted targets with the remaining duration. Three-star Malzahar has his dots spread twice. Malzahar’s traits are Mutant and Arcanist.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune uses her spell Make it Rain to hit random enemies with four waves of bullets, dealing 200/300/450 total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50 percent for six seconds. Her traits are Mercenary and Sniper.


Morgana’s spell Soul Shackles shields herself from magic damage for three seconds. She then shackles herself to all enemies in a two Hex radius and deals magic danger per second to them, as long as the shield holds. If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned. If the shield is broken, Morgana refunds herself 30 mana. Her traits are Syndicate and Enchanter.

  • Damage: 80/125/175
  • Stun duration: 1.5/2/2.5 seconds
  • Shield amount: 475/575/675


Senna’s spell Piercing Darkness fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing 150 percent of her attack damage as physical damage to all enemies hit. For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for 50 percent of the damage dealt. Senna’s traits are Socialite and Enchanter.

  • Base spell damage: 80/120/180


Using his spell Spinning Slash, Tryndamere spins in a line toward the most enemies, dealing 150 percent of his attack damage to enemies in his path and empowering his next three attacks to deal 25 percent more damage. Tryndamere’s traits are Chemtech and Challenger.

Spin base damage: 50/75/100


Vex shields herself against 500/650/850 damage over a total of four seconds with Personal Space. When the shield expires, it deals 150/250/350 magic damage to all enemies within two Hexes and an additional 150/250/350 damage if it wasn’t destroyed. If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes 25 percent stronger during this combat. This effect can stack. Vex’s traits are Yordle and Arcanist.


Zac stretches his arms up to three Hexes to pull the two most distant enemies toward him with Yoink! and deals 300/450/700 magic damage. Zac takes less damage while using his ability. Zac’s traits are Chemtech and Bruiser.

  • Damage reduction: 60 percent

Four-cost TFT Set 6.5 champions

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Ahri’s spell Orbs of Deception fires an orb in a line dealing 125/190/450 magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Every time she casts, she gains 1/1/2 stack(s) of spirit fire. She fires another orb for each stack of spirit fire. Enemies hit by an Orb take 60 percent damage for each subsequent Orb. Ahri’s traits are Syndicate and Arcanist.


Using his spell Pulverize, Alistar charges at his target, knocking them back for a short distance. Then he slams the ground, dealing 200/325/1200 magic damage and stunning all nearby enemies for 1.5/2/8 seconds. Alistar’s traits are Hextech and Colossus and he has a dash range of one Hex.


Braum slams Vault Breaker, creating a fissure toward his target. Enemies within two Hexes of Braum and those struck by the fissure are stunned for 2/2.75/8 seconds and take 100/200/750 magic damage. Braum’s traits are Syndicate and Bodyguard.


Draven starts spinning an axe via his spell Spinning Axes, empowering his next attack to deal 170/180/400 percent of his attack damage plus bonus physical damage. It will return to its original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to two axes at a time. His traits are Debonair and Challenger.

  • Base damage: 120/150/400
  • Base armor penetration: 25 percent
  • VIP bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores 25 percent of his target’s armor.


Using her spell Bladesurge, Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for 180 percent of her attack damage as physical damage. If this eliminates the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest health enemy. Irelia’s traits are Scrap and Striker.

  • Bonus damage: 75/100/550


With Curtain Call, Jhin transforms his weapon into a sniper rifle for his next four shots. Each shot deals 175/200/300 percent of his attack damage as physical damage, reduced by 33 percent for each target it pierces through. The fourth shot is guaranteed to critically strike and deals 44 percent more damage based on his target’s missing health. 

The four-cost also has a Passive: Jhin always attacks 0.9/0.9/1.4 times per second. He converts each one percent of bonus attack speed into 0.8 attack damage. His traits are Clockwork and Sniper.


Kha’Zix uses his spell Void Assault to leap toward the lowest health enemy, striking them for physical damage (180/185/260 percent of his attack damage and 175/225/500 magic damage) and increasing their maximum mana by 50 percent until they cast. Kha’Zix’s traits are Mutant and Assassin.


Orianna sends out Command: Shockwave toward the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within two Hexes gain 140/200/700 shield for four seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and take 325/450/1500 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in, stunning them for 1.5/1.5/5 seconds. Her traits are Clockwork and Enchanter.


Seraphine projects Encore toward the largest group of units. The song deals 250/400/1200 magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed for 200/300/1000 health and gain 30/45/100 percent attack speed for a total of four seconds. Seraphine’s traits are Socialite and Innovator.


Using her spell Ricochet, Sivir grants herself 30/60/300 percent attack speed and her attacks bounce up to 4/5/9 times dealing 30 percent of her attack damage hit bounce for five seconds. Her spell can bounce to targets previously hit if there are no new targets to bounce to. Sivir’s traits are Hextech and Striker.

Renata Glasc

Renata Glasc unleashes a toxic poison wave toward the largest group of nearby enemies, poisoning all enemies caught in its path for 15 seconds with Toxic Wave. Poisoned enemies suffer 20 percent reduced attack speed and take 40/65/240 magic damage per second. Damage dealt by the poison can stack. Renata’s traits are Chemtech and Scholar.

Damage from Renata’s poison is removed from enemies when she perishes. Her attack speed Slow remains for the full duration.


Using Piltover Pulverizer, Vi shields herself for 225/325/850 and deals 175/250/600 magic damage to her target and enemies behind it. On her second cast, she also dashes through her target. On Vi’s third cast, she throws her target and slams them to the ground, dealing  250/350/900 damage in a circle radius around her target. Vi’s traits are Enforcer, Rival, and Bruiser.

Five-cost TFT Set 6.5 champions

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Galio becomes invulnerable with Colossal Entrance and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take 125/175/9001 magic damage and are knocked into the sky for  1.5/1.5/10 seconds. The lower the enemy’s maximum health is compared to Galio’s, the further they are knocked up, dealing eight percent maximum health. Galio has 1,900 base health at one-star and an increased crash zone radius at three-star.

The five-cost also has a Passive. Galio’s critical strike slams the ground, dealing 100/150/500 bonus magic damage to enemies around his target. Galio’s traits are Socialite, Colossus, and Bodyguard.


In melee form, Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their armor and magic resistance with Mercury Cannon. Via ranged form, Jayce deploys an acceleration gain, granting bonus attack speed to allies in the same row. He then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group using Mercury Hammer. Forms are determined on whether Jayce is placed on the frontline or backline. Jayce’s traits are Enforcer, Transformer, and Innovator.

  • Ranged AD bonus: 45/60/500
  • Ranged spell AD: 170/180/500 percent
  • Melee spell AD: 170/180/1000 percent
  • Melee bonus armor and magic resistance: 40
  • Melee shield: 375/550/3000


Jinx rides her Super Mega Death Rocket above the battle. After a slight delay, she crashes into the centermost enemy, dealing 400/600/3000 magic damage to enemies around the epicenter and 50 percent to all other enemies in a large area visually depicted with fire on the battlefield. Jinx can only cast Super Mega Death Rocket once. And her spell attack damage scaling is 210/220/888 percent.

The epicenter burns every unit (including allies) except Jinx for five seconds, dealing 2/2.5/3 percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage and reducing healing for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher and transforms into a range unit, causing her attacks to deal 100 percent bonus attack damage in a small area around her target. After casting her spell, she auto attacks random valid units. Jinx’s traits are Scrap, Rival, and Twinshot.


Kai’Sa dashes to the Hex furthest from all enemies via her spell Icathian Monsoon. She then fires a volley of 14/18/40 missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal  75/100/180 magic damage to each target. Kai’Sa fires a bonus missile for each time she has attacked this combat. Her traits are Mutant and Challenger.

Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly for three seconds, dealing 900/1350/30000 magic damage over the duration. While in his belly, the target is invulnerable to other sources of damage, and Tahm Kench takes 40 percent reduced damage. The Devour spell also deals 50 percent of its damage to units that are immune to crowd control.

If the enemy perishes while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding or the cost of the unit in gold. If the enemy survives, he spits them toward the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets upon impact. Feeding Tahm Kench a champion gains the five-cost stats based on that unit’s trait. A three-star Tahm Kench gains 20 times the usual stats when fed an allied unit. His traits are Mercenary, Glutton, and Bruiser.

  • Bodyguard provides armor.
  • Enchanter provides magic resistance.
  • Bruiser provides health.
  • Colossus provides health.
  • And all other traits provide ability power.
  • Tiebreakers have armor and magic resistance winning out over health, with both winning out over ability power.


Silco injects Unstable Concoction into one of his lowest health allies, granting them 100 percent maximum health, 50/125/666 percent attack speed, and immunity to crowd control effects for 6/7/10 seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units perish by exploding, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies. Silco’s traits are Mastermind and Scholar.

  • Explosion Damage: 350/600/5000
  • Number of targets: 1/1/10
  • Mana grant: 30 maximum mana


Viktor summons multiple singularities that fire death rays in a line across the battlefield. Enemies hit with the death ray take magic damage, have a percent of any remaining shields dismantled, and suffer 40/50/70 percent armor shred. Damage is 300/400/1500 per laser and shield break is 25/33/100 percent. Viktor’s traits are Chemtech and Arcanist.


Zeri charges herself up via her spell Lightning Crash with electricity for six seconds. While electrified she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot. She also has a Passive. Zeri’s basic attacks fire 5/5/30 bullets, each dealing 18 percent of her attack damage as physical damage and bonus magic damage to the first units that are hit. Zeri’s traits are Debonair and Sniper.

  • On-hit damage: 12/20/40
  • VIP bonus: Zeri’s spell duration lasts until the end of combat

Update March 1 1:30pm CT: All balance changes from TFT Set 6.5 Patch 12.5 were applied.

Update March 7 8pm CT: Adjustments were applied following the changes from the TFT 12.5 B-patch.

Update March 29 2pm CT: All balance changes from TFT 12.6 patch were applied.

Update April 26, 5:30pm CT: All changes via TFT Patch 12.8 were applied.

Update May 10 6:20pm CT: All changes via TFT Patch 12.9 were applied.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.