TFT Patch 13.19 notes: First TFT Set 9.5 Horizonbound update focuses on buffs

Bilgewater and Ixtal get buffed while early-game Piltover gets nerfed.

TFT Set 9.5 Horizonbound art of Bilgewater
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games will ship the first Teamfight Tactics Set 9.5 update through Patch 13.19, focusing on buffs while reducing gold granted across the board from Augments and traits like Piltover. 

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The first update to TFT Set 9.5 Horizonbound targets the underperformers since the Mid-Set update launched. Traits like Bilgewater were given a slight buff following the nerfs applied through the 13.18 B-patch. Ixtal received significant buffs while the early-game Piltover loot was reduced. Heimerdinger received a new upgrade that elevates the five-cost to a possible late-game carrier, and Aatrox’s Darkin Omnivamp was reduced. 

Here are the full Patch 13.19 notes for TFT Set 9.5 Horzonbound, according to Riot. 

Patch 13.19 TFT Set 9.5 trait balance changes

Both Bilgewater and Ixtal were buffed, while adjustments were applied to the Vanquisher trait. 

  • Bastion: Magic resistance and armor slightly buffed from 20/40/65/125 to 20/45/75/140
  • Bilgewater: Damage per breakpoint buffed from 90/125/300/600 to 100/150/325/800
  • Bilgewater: Percent of damage dealt early breakpoints buffed from 30/50/65/150 to 33/55/70/135 percent
  • Demacia: Elite bonus armor and magic resistance adjusted from 5/15/35/150 to 5/25/45/150
  • Ixtal: Rework—Electric at breakpoint of four reworked. Empowered champions deal 25 percent bonus damage to enemies that have been stunned by this effect.
  • Ixtal Fire: Damage increased from 60 to 100 percent
  • Ixtal Fire: Duration of burn increased from three to five seconds
  • Ixtal Ice: Explosion damage increased from 30 to 35 percent
  • Ixtal Ice: The Ice explosion tage will now correctly act as trait damage. This does not count crit or trigger effects. 
  • Ixtal Stone: Heal increased from 650 to 750
  • Ixtal Wood: The breakpoint of four Capstone tick rate was reduced from four to two seconds
  • Ixtal Wood: Attack damage and ability power at breakpoint of four reduced from 15 to 10
  • Juggernaut: Damage reduction is now 15-25/20-35/35-50 percent
  • Multicaster: Damage reduced from 60 to 55 percent
  • Piltover: Cashouts reduced from two losses to 10 losses by 15 percent
  • Piltover: Cashouts reduced from 11 to 12 losses by 10 percent
  • Piltover: Base rewards for six Piltover buffed by around 20 percent
  • Rogue: Stealth threshold to dash reduced from 50 to 35 percent
  • Shurima: Ascension bonus adjusted from 0/15/40/75 to 0/20/50/90 percent
  • Targon: Heal and shield boost adjusted from 18/35/55 to 18/35/60 percent
  • Vanquisher: Bonus crit rate adjusted from 15/35/55to 15/35/75 percent 
  • Vanquisher: Bonus crit damage buffed from 10/30/50 to 15/35/55 percent

Patch 13.19 TFT Set 9.5 Augment balance changes

Multiple Augments that grant gold are now granting significantly smaller gold drops. Legend Augments like Teaming Up were reworked and Ravenous Hunter was nerfed while the maximum stacks were buffed. 

  • Endless Hordes: Health reduction nerfed from 20 to 15 percent
  • Endless Hordes: Gold nerfed from six to four
  • Endless Hordes Plus: Health reduction nerfed from 20 to 15 percent
  • Endless Hordes Plus: Gold granted buffed from nine to 12
  • Final Reserves: Any gold held will also be converted into experience after interest is added
  • Lucky Egg: Loot changed to a Tactician Crown, one Zeke’s Herald, one Chalice of Power, and 25 gold
  • Mana Burn: Percent of burn nerfed from 2.5 to 1.5 percent
  • Parting Gifts: Items now transfer immediately 
  • Ravenous Hunter: Attack damage and ability power per stack reduced from five to four
  • Ravenous Hunter: Cap on stacks increased from 45 to 55
  • Rising Infamy One and Two: Barrages from Level One to Two increased from 50 to 65
  • Rising Infamy One and Two: Barrages from Level Two to Three increased from 80 to 90
  • Rising Infamy One and Two: Barrages from Level Three to Four increased from 80 to 90
  • Rising Infamy Three: Starting chest Level increased from Three to Four
  • Shurima’s Legacy: Augment has been reinstated
  • Stolen Vitality: Maximum health heal was nerfed from 1.5 to 1.25 percent
  • Strategist Soul: Item granted changed from Night Harvester to Adaptive Helm
  • Tiniest Titan Plus: New—Augment appears at Stage 3-2. In addition to the Tiniest Titan effect (your Tactician is small and fast, heals two health after PvP combat rounds, and grants two gold per round), the Augment grants eight gold immediately

Legend TFT Set 9.5 Augment balance changes

  • Big Grab Bag: Gold granted nerfed from eight to one
  • Item Grab Bag Two: Gold granted nerfed from five to one
  • Item Grab Bag Three: Gold granted nerfed from eight to two
  • Giant Grab Bag Three: Gold granted nerfed from 10 to four
  • Gotta Go Fast Two: Mana gained nerfed from 25 to 20 percent
  • Gotta Go Fast Three: Mana gained nerfed from 35 to 30 percent
  • Job’s Done: Granted loot changed to one completed item Anvil and one random Component
  • Medium Forge: Gold granted nerfed from six to one
  • Small Forge: Gold granted nerfed from four to two
  • Teaming Up One: New—Gain on random Component and two random tier-three champions
  • Teaming Up Two: Reworked—Gain one random Support item and one random tier-four champion
  • Teaming Up Three: Reworked—Gain one Support Anvil, one random Component, and two random tier-four champions
  • Tiny Grab Bag: Gold granted nerfed from four to two
  • Training Reward One: Gold granted nerfed from seven to five
  • Training Reward Two: Gold granted nerfed from 15 to 12
  • Well Earned Comforts Three: Attack speed nerfed from eight to six percent

Patch 13.19 TFT Set 9.5 champion balance changes

Milio received multiple buffs through Patch 13.19, along with champions like Neeko, Gangplank melee form, and Heimerdinger. A new change was also applied to Rek’Sai. 


  • Cho’Gath: Spell maximum health damage ratio reduced from 15 to 12 percent
  • Jhin: Mana buffed from 44/124 to 44/114
  • Milio: Spell bounce damage buffed from 170/250/380 to 180/270/400
  • Milio: Spell splash damage buffed from 85/125/190 to 90/140/200
  • Orianna: Maximum mana buffed from 40/90 to 30/80


  • Jinx: Attack damage increased from 50 to 55
  • Galio: Mana buffed from 60/120 to 60/110
  • Qiyana: Fix—Qiyana will no longer dash out of distance of her spell


  • Darius: Attack damage increased from 60 to 65
  • Jayce: Attack damage nerfed from 65 to 60
  • Karma: Ionia bonus ability power buffed from 20 to 25
  • Neeko: Spell shield adjusted from 225/350/475 to 250/350/475
  • Neeko: Spell blossom damage buffed from 270/410/650 to 300/450/700
  • Rek’Sai: New change—Rek’Sai bite now marks enemies that she bites. If the target had been previously marked, the bite will now deal bonus true damage
  • Rek’Sai: Spell damage attack damage ratio is now 135/145/150 percent
  • Vel’Koz: Spell damage adjusted from 250/375/600 to 245/365/600


  • Fiora: Spell physical damage nerfed from 150/150/250 to 140/140/240 percent attack damage
  • Jarvan IV: Spell stun duration adjusted from 1.75/2.5/8 to 1.5/2/8 seconds
  • Nasus: Spell maximum health steal reduced from five to four percent
  • Silco: Spell damage adjusted from 80/120/425 to 75/115/425
  • Silco: Tooltip update—Throw a vial at the closest enemy, covering nearby Hexes in chemicals for “X” seconds. Deal “Y” magic damage per second to chemical-affected enemies, and heal affected allies for “Z” per second. When possible, target unaffected groups. 
  • Xayah: Mana buffed from 30/110 to 30/90
  • Xayah: Spell damage ratio changed from 80 to 80/80/125 percent attack damage
  • Xayah: The number of feathers in Featherstrike adjusted from 7/7/12 to 7/7/15


  • Aatrox: Darkin Omnivamp reduced from 15 to 10 percent 
  • Gangplank: Attack speed increased from 0.8 to 0.85
  • Gangplank: Burn duration reduced from three to two seconds
  • Gangplank: total true damage from burn adjusted from 300/300/2500 to 250/250/2500 percent attack damage
  • Gangplank: Ranged mana on hit increased from three to five
  • Heimerdinger: Technogenius— A New upgrade was added called Refractor Beam
  • Heimerdinger: Refractor Beam one count—Three beams and 10 percent increased damage
  • Heimerdinger: Refractor Beam two count—Three beams and 30 percent increased damage
  • Heimierdinger: Refractor Beam three count—Five beams and 50 percent increased damage
  • Heimerdinger Refractor Beam: Apex Turret’s ability fires multiple laser beams which deal increased damage. It gains 100 percent of all mana that Heimerdinger generates from traits, items, and Augments.
  • Ryze Ixtal: Stun duration adjusted from 2/2/10 to 2/2.5/10
  • Ryze Ixtal: Realm Warp damage ratio changed from 185/285/1500 to 200/300/1500 percent armor and magic resistance
  • Ryze Demacia: Realm Warp damage adjusted from 300/450/999 to 300/450/2000
  • Ryze Shadow Isles: A bug fix now allows Ryze to resurrect allies at above 100 percent health

Patch 13.19 TFT Set 9.5 item balance changes

Items underwent major changes with the launch of the Mid-Set update. The first patch of Horizonbound contains a large number of small changes to Core, Artifact, and Radiant items in TFT Set 9.5. 

Core items

  • Adaptive Helm: Backline ability power nerfed from 20 to 15 
  • Crownguard: Health buffed from zero to 100
  • Thief’s Gloves: Health buffed from zero to 150
  • Thief’s Gloves: Critical chance reduced from 40 to 20 percent

Artifact items

  • Manazane: Ability power reduced from 15 to 10
  • Manazane: Mana reduced from 30 to 15
  • Zhonya’s Paradox: Ability power nerfed from 50 to 45
  • Sniper’s Focus: Damage increase per Hex reduced from 10 to eight percent
  • Hullcrusher: Bonus health reduced from 600 to 550
  • Anima Visage: Health reduced from 500 to 450
  • Goldmancer’s Staff: Ability power buffed from 25 to 30

Support items

  • Obsidian Cleaver: Attack damage and ability power team bonus nerfed from 10 to eight
  • Chalice of Power: Ability power buffed from 18 to 22

Radiant items

  • Jak’Sho the Protean: Bonus ability power buffed from 35 to 45
  • Rascal’s Gloves: Health increased from zero to 100
  • Rascal’s Gloves: Critical chance reduced from 40 to 20 percent
  • Royal Crownshield: Health increased from zero to 100

Patch 13.19 bug fixes

  • Lucky Gloves will grant the correct category of items to champions like Ryze, Kayle, and Quinn.
  • Stationary Support One now has the correct text in Hyper Roll
  • Zaun no longer deletes Consumables if they are used with a full item bench while you have a Zaun mod pending.
  • Cassiopeia no longer loses some casts when she has a Radiant Blue Buff
  • Escort Quest’s dummy can no longer be recombobulated, and no longer counts for player damage. 
  • Blacksmith’s Gloves now correctly count as Thief’s Gloves for Sleight of Hand
  • Nashor’s Tooth grants its attack speed at the correct time for champions with long mana locks such as Nasus and Taric.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari’s resistances will persist for the correct duration instead of ending when the shield breaks.
  • Zaun’s Robotic Arm mod now correctly states that its overcharge deals 25 percent bonus true damage instead of 25 percent attack damage as true damage
  • Gangplank now gets correct items from Lucky Gloves when he’s placed on the frontline directly from the bench.
  • Shurima’s Legacy turret will no longer remain after the player’s death, being an agent of chaos.
  • Valar’s Hollow grants its rewards on Hyper Roll.
  • The Training Dummy from Double Up’s Assist Armory now has the correct star level on away boards.
  • Fixed a bug where What The Forge could fail to transform an item when quickly made on a champion taken from the carousel.
  • On a Roll now correctly grants a free refresh if units auto-combine on round start.
  • Zaun Ryze’s tooltip now correctly reflects that he shreds and sunders for 30 percent instead of 20 percent.
  • Fixed an issue where Qiyana could dash too far for her Ability to hit.
  • Chibi Irelia/Chibi Divine Sword Irelia limbs no longer stretch during Shrine of the First Lands intro animation
Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.