TFT Patch 13.22 notes: Fortune Favor returns and fun buffs

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Image of Heimerdinger inside T-Hex mouth
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games is dropping the “for fun” Teamfight Tactics update through Patch 13.22, featuring plenty of buffs and the return of Fortune Favor mode.

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Launching in conjunction with Patch 13.22, the final update for Set 9.5, TFT Set 10 is coming to the PBE servers for the next two weeks. Players can test out the 60 champions within the set, spread throughout 29 traits. Each trait features musical tracks that players will mash together when building a team comp. As for Patch 13.22, players can enjoy the buffs while they wait for the official launch of TFT Set 10 Remix Rumble on Nov. 21.

Image of all balance changes for TFT Patch 13.22
Patch 13.22 | Image via Riot Games

Here are the official notes for TFT Patch 13.22.

Fortune Favor is now Choncc’s Treasure

Choncc, a tactitian from Teamfight Tactics
Choncc looks happy. Image via Riot Games

Fortune Favor returns to TFT through Patch 13.22 as Choncc’s Treasure. The special mode doesn’t have a Carousel, giving players a random four or five-cost champion as a starting unit. All units have the same unit cost for all players in the lobby. 

Choncc will distribute loot Orbs after the Carousel round and throughout the remainder of the game. Players who hit the threshold of 50 health will get a large golden Orb with special items and two new items were added: Choncc’s Prowler’s Claw and Choncc’s Rocket-Propelled Fist. 

New player onboarding changes

Starting through Patch 13.23 with the release of TFT Set 10 Remix Rumble, new players who have played three or fewer non-tutorial games will have to queue into the normal mode. For that player’s first three games, they’ll face off against bots that adapt to the player’s skill. 

All players who have played more than three games of TFT won’t be forced into a bot game unless they queue with a new player. 

Patch 13.22 TFT system changes 

Patch 13.22 includes the reactivation of region Portals Scuttle Puddle and Beats By Scuttle. And Scuttle Dragon will drop an additional item, along with more gold. 

An overtime buff will also go into effect through Patch 13.22. Upon reaching the overtime limit, TFT champions gain an URF power-up that will end the round much quicker. The URF overtime buff no longer grants bonus ability power and attack damage, according to Riot. Instead, overtime grants 10 percent more damage, 10 percent attack speed, 10 percent less healing/shielding (capped at 70 percent), and 10 percent less crowd control duration (capped at 70 percent). 

Patch 13.22 trait changes

Image of TFT Set 9.5 Bilgewater trait and champions battling
Bilgewater trait | Image via Riot Games

Most buffs were applied to the Ixtal and Zaun traits, while the breakpoints for the Bruiser trait have changed. 

  • Bilgewater: Damage amplification buffed to 40/60/70/135 percent
  • Bruiser: Breakpoints have changed to 2/3/4/6
  • Bruiser: Health adjusted to 10/12/45/80 percent
  • Freljord: Maximum health true damage increased to 10/18 percent
  • Gunner: Attack damage per stack adjusted to 7/13/25 percent
  • Ixtal: Electric Stun duration increased from two to three seconds
  • Ixtal: Stone duration increased from eight to 10 seconds and Stone heal increased to 900
  • Ixtal: Wind duration increased to 5/10 seconds and Wind attack speed increased to 50/100 percent
  • Zaun: Adaptive Implant Omnivamp, AD, and AP increased from 35 to 40 percent
  • Zaun: Adaptive Implant Overchage amount increased to 60 percent
  • Zaun: Exoskeleton base healing increased to 20 percent and Overcharge increased to 60 percent
  • Zaun: Robotic Arm Overcharge increased to 30 percent
  • Zaun: Shimmer Injector base attack speed and heal increased to 44 percent
  • Zaun: Virulent Bioware base damage increased to 20 percent and Overcharge maximum health increased to six percent

Patch 13.22 champion changes

Taliyah skin for TFT Set 9 Runeterra Reforged Shurima
Taliyah in TFT. Image via Riot Games

A majority of champion buffs were mana ones in Patch 13.22. And five-cost units like Ryze and Heimerdinger had a bunch of buffs applied. 

One-cost champion changes

  • Illaoi: Spell damage increased from 220/330/500 to 250/375/560
  • Milo: Mana adjusted from 20/70 to 0/60 and spell damage increased to 220/330/500
  • Orianna: Shield increased to 290/435/650 and damage increased to 290/435/650
  • Poppy: Spell damage increased to 160/240/360

Two-cost champions changes

  • Kassadin: Damage buffed to 160/240/360
  • Naafiri: Attack speed increased to 0.8 and attack damage ratio increased to 175/175/180 percent
  • Soraka: Heal nerfed from 150/170/200 to 140/160/180 while damage was buffed to 120/180/280
  • Taliyah: Damage buffed to 220/330/495
  • Vi: Mana buffed from 0/80 to 20/70 and the attack damage ratio increased to 300 percent

Three-cost champion changes

  • Darius: Attack damage increased to 70 and mana buffed from 30/90 to 20/80
  • Karma: Mana buffed from 0/50 to 0/45 and flame damage buffed to 200/300/470
  • Rek’Sai: True damage ratio increased to 240/240/250 percent

Four-cost champion changes

  • Fiora: Mana buff from 70/140 to 60/120
  • Silco: Mana buff from 0/45 to 0/30, damage nerfed to 65/100/400 and healing adjusted to 20/25/120

Five-cost champion changes

Big buffs were applied to both Heimerdinger and Ryze within Patch 13.22. The Apex Turret Refractor Beam from Heimerdinger can critically strike if Heimerdinger’s ability can. 

  • Ahri: Damage buffed to 260/390/1999
  • Bel’Veth: Spell targets all enemies at three-star and base Lashes were adjusted from 6/6/30 to 6/6/25
  • Heimerdinger Apex Turret Mechano Swarm Rocket: Damage adjusted to 50/200/200
  • Heimerdinger Apex Turret Refractor Beam: Damage adjusted to 20/50/100 percent
  • Ryze (Bilgewater): Mana buff: 30/90 to  0/75
  • Ryze (Bilgewater): Chance for loot adjusted from: 5/7.5/100 to 5/10/100 percent
  • Ryze (Bilgewater): Chance for gold adjusted from 10/15/100 to 10/20/100 percent
  • Ryze (Bilgewater): Size scaling per gold adjusted from one to two percent
  • Ryze (Noxus): Mana buff from 70/120 to 40/100
  • Ryze (Noxus): The number of Axes increased from 4/5/12 to 5/5/15
  • Ryze (Piltover): Mana buffed from 30/90 to 15/75
  • Ryze (Piltover): Shared damage increased from 15/30/500 to 30/30/500 percent
  • Ryze (Piltover): Area duration increased from 3/4/8 to 5/5/10 seconds
  • Ryze (Shurima): Mana buffed from 90/150 to 60/120
  • Ryze (Shurima): Chance to spawn gold increased from 20/35/100 to 35/50/100 percent
  • Ryze (Shurima): Chance to Spawn item increased from 2/5/30 to 5/10/50 percent
  • Ryze (Bandle City): Mana buffed from 30/75 to 30/65
  • Ryze (Demacia): Mana buffed from 50/110 to 50/100
  • Ryze (Freljord): Mana buffed from 30/65 to 15/60
  • Ryze (Ionia): Mana buffed from 50/125  to 30/100
  • Ryze (Ixtal): Mana buffed from 60/120 to 30/100
  • Ryze (Shadow Isles): Mana buffed from 40/80 to 30/70
  • Ryze (Targon): Mana buffed from 30/100 to 30/90
  • Ryze (Zaun): Mana buffed from 40/100 to 30/90
Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.