TFT Patch 13.16 notes: Samira nerfed, Yasuo reworked, and Ryze buffed heading into Mid-Set

Big changes tighten up the Set Nine meta.

Image of Samira preparring for battle in TFT
Image via Riot Games

Riot Games is dropping another large Set Nine Runeterra Reforged update through Patch 13.16, featuring Teamfight Tactics system changes, nerfs to five-cost champions, and tweaks to the overall meta. 

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Scheduled to hit the live servers on Aug. 16, Patch 13.16 tweaks the meta one final time before the Mid-Set Finale tournament in North America. The update is also likely the last major patch for Set Nine Runeterra Reforged

Here are the official notes for TFT Patch 13.16.

13.16 B-patch balance changes

A TFT Set Nine 13.16 B-patch was released on Aug. 23, featuring a nerf to Shen, along with nerfs to traits like Piltover and Demacia.

  • Demacia: Magic resistance at each breakpoint changed from 5/30/50/100 to 5/30/40/100.
  • Piltover: Cashout values at eight and nine were reduced, along with a slight reduction to the seventh cashout.
  • Gunner: Attack damage per stack was buffed from 6/12/24 to 6/14/26 percent.
  • Know Your Enemy: Base damage amplification reduced from 15 to 12 percent.
  • Petricite Shackles: Empowered damage amplification was reduced from 30 to 22 percent.
  • Social Distancing: Attack damage and ability power were reduced from 12/20/30 to 12/18/25.
  • Transfusion: Base health adjusted from 20/80/100 to 20/40/50.
  • Shen: Ally shield nerfed from 275/350/2000 to 225/275/1500

Patch 13.16 TFT Set Nine system changes

Garen leading a charge
Garen Set Nine TFT | Image via Riot Games

A change to PvE rounds in Patch 13.15 ensured players could only get one Component drop from Raptors. Players who make it to Raptors will now find the PvE round produces a Component Anvil instead of dropping a Component. 

Multiple adjustments were also applied to TFT Set Nine Region Portals, which include shifting Portals to other regions and a reduction in economy from Hall of Nine. 

Region Portal changes

  • Yordle Portals: Renamed Flshing Arena and moved to Noxus.
  • Hall of Nine: Gold reduced.
  • Hall of Nine: Loot option given to units whose tier is equal to the Stage minus one as opposed to equal to the Stage. 
  • Unstable Rift: Blue Buff is disabled from appearing as an unstable item due to a bug that is getting investigated. 

Patch 13.16 TFT trait changes

Image of Heimerdinger inside T-Hex mouth
Heimerdinger TFT Set Nine | Image via Riot Games

The TFT team reduced the overall power of the Zaun trait at breakpoints two and six while buffing the power of the Demacia trait. 

  • Demacia: Elite count adjusted from 1/2/3/5 to 1/2/4/6
  • Demacia: Elite armor and magic resistance adjusted from 5/25/60/125 to 5/30/50/100
  • Gunner: Attack damage percent per stack adjusted from 6/11/20 to 6/12/22 percent
  • Multicaster: Multicast damage reduction increased from 60 to 66 percent
  • Shadow Isles: Mana regeneration adjusted from 5/12/20 to 6/12/18
  • Shadow Isles: Maximum health percent shield adjusted from 40/80/125 to 45/80/115 percent
  • Shurima: Ascension bonus health increased from 30 to 33 percent
  • Shruima: Breakpoint of seven ascension bonus increased from 20 to 25 percent
  • Technogenius: Repair-o-matic Rework—Repair duration is now seven seconds at all levels and the Apex Turret is granted bonus armor and magic resistance as counts and levels increase
  • Technogenius: Repair-o-matic breakpoints—One count is 10 armor and magic resistance. Two count is 60 and three count is 125 armor and magic resistance. 
  • Technogenius: Mechano-Swarm rockets fired reduced from seven to five
  • Zaun: Adaptive implant attack damage, ability power, and Omnivamp increased from 25 to 30 percent
  • Zaun: Robotic Arm proc chance reduced from 50 to 40 percent
  • Zaun: Unstable Chemtank overcharge health explosion reduced from 45 to 35 percent
  • Zaun: Hextech Exoskeleton maximum health heal increased from 10 to 12 percent
  • Zaun: Hextech Exoskeleton now cleanses all debuffs—including Burn, Wound, Shred, Sunder, and Mana-Reave.
  • Zaun: Hextech Exoskeleton overcharge damage no longer triggers when Sion revives

Patch 13.16 TFT Augment balance changes

Image of TFT Set Nine Jhin skin Runeterra Reforged
Jhin TFT Set Nine | Image via Riot Games

Augments that don’t often get picked were shown some love through Patch 13.16, while a new Endless Hordes-Plus was added and a rework was applied to Shimmering Inventors. Many of the Shimmerscale items were also adjusted. 

  • Ascension: Damage amplification increased from 45 to 50 percent
  • Dueling Gunners: Initial attack speed increased from five to eight percent
  • Endless Hordes: Gold granted reduced from eight to six
  • Endless Hordes-Plus: New—Available at Stage 4-2 only and gives nine gold
  • Frequent Flier: Shop rolls required reduced from 10 to eight
  • Haunted Shell: Stacking resistances increased from 10 to 13
  • Lategame Specialist: The Augment can no longer get offered with Level Up! Mana burn was also re-enabled
  • Parting Gifts: Shield enabled after item is granted instead of before
  • Perfected Repetition: Ability power per cast increased from five to six
  • Perfected Repetition: Maximum ability power increased from 70 to 90
  • Portable Forge: Armory choices changed from three to 2/3/4 based on Stage
  • Riftwalk: Ability power per cast reduced from 35 to 32
  • It Pays to Learn (all tiers): Gold reduced from 10/16/20 to 8/12/16
  • Shimmering Inventors: Rework—The Piltover unit bonus per 10 gold was changed from 10 percent attack speed to eight percent bonus damage
  • Shurima’s Legacy: Minimum Sun Disc damage reduced from 180 to 160
  • Shurima’s Legacy: Maximum Sun Disc damage reduced from 900 to 800
  • The Boss: Attack speed and ability power per sit-up increased from 40 to 45 percent
  • The Boss: The Augment now cleanses Wounds when Sett is doing sit-ups
  • Two Healthy: Health increased from 100 to 111
  • What the Forge: A reduction was applied for a player’s chance of getting multiple copies of the same item, especially Obsidian Cleaver

Heart, Crown, and Soul Augment changes

  • Challenger Crown: Item granted changed from Rapid Firecannon to Hand of Justice.

Shimmerscale items and Artifact changes

  • Death’s Defiance: Attack speed reduced from 30 to 25 percent and bleed no longer gets cleansed by the item Edge of Night
  • Draven’s Axe: Cashout gold reduced from 10 to nine
  • Gambler’s Blade: Attack speed reduced from 20 to 15 percent
  • Gambler’s Blade: Chance for gold reduced from seven to six percent
  • Goldmancer’s Staff: Ability power reduced from 25 to 20
  • Goldmancer’s Staff: Mana reduced from 20 to zero
  • Needlessly Big Gem: Health reduced from 600 to 500
  • Mogul’s Mail: Health reduced from 350 to 150
  • Trickster’s Glass: Armor, magic resistance, and attack speed reduced from 15 to 10
  • Trickerster’s Glass: Mana increased from 20 to 30 percent
  • Zhonya’s Paradox: Ability power increased from 30 to 45

Patch 13.16 TFT champion balance changes

Yasuo Ionia Teamfight Tactics League of Legends
Yasuo TFT Set Nine | Image via Riot Games

A large number of levers were shifted for TFT Set Nine champions. Most are minor tweaks, while some significant balance changes were applied to four and five-cost units. 

One-cost champions

  • Kayle: Spell on-hit damage increased from 33/44/66 to 35/50/75 percent ability power
  • Kayle: Spell ascended wave damage reduced from 33/44/66 to 20/25/40 percent ability power
  • Poppy: Four-star Stadfast Hammer should now consistently hit large clumps of units
  • Samira: Spell attack damage ratio adjusted from 175 to 200/200/210 percent
  • Samira: Spell armor reduction changed from 20/25/30 to 10/15/20
  • Samira: Flair can no longer reduce armor below zero
  • Viego: Armor and magic resistance reduced from 25 to 20

Two-cost champions

  • Ashe: Attack speed increased from 0.7 to 0.75
  • Ashe: Mana nerfed from 30/60 to 20/70
  • Ashe: Spell attack damage ratio adjusted from 150/150/160 to 160/160/170 percent
  • Galio: Spell damage reduction increased from 20/20/30 to 25/25/35 percent
  • Kled: Spell stacking attack speed buffed from 60/65/70/75 to 65/70/75/80 percent
  • Swain: Mana nerfed from 30/70 to 20/70
  • Swain: Spell transform health adjusted from 450/500/550 to 375/450/650
  • Swain: Swain is classified as a Magic Tank through the Inspect Panel
  • Taliyah: Spell damage buffed from 150/225/350 to 160/240/370
  • Teemo: Mushroom bounce change from Patch 13.14 reverted—mushrooms will now bounce to a random target after the first
  • Teemo: Spell damage buffed from 230/350/535/535 to 260/390/858/585

Three-cost champions

  • Garen: Spell attack damage percent adjusted from 75/75/85 to 80/82/85 percent
  • Kalista: Spell spear damage buffed from 16/24/40 to 18/27/45
  • Sona: Spell bonus attack speed buffed from 30/35/40 to 35/40/45 percent
  • Vel’Koz: Sepll damage buffed from 210/315/520 to 230/345/560
  • Vel’Koz: Missile will now follow the initial target and if the target perishes while the missile is on its way, the missile will still travel to that location before splitting.

Four-cost champions

  • Aphelios: Chakram attack damage ratio adjusted from 8/8/30 to 10/10/30 percent
  • Aphelios: Speed of Moonlight Sigil’s moon blast was increased
  • Azir: Spell damage adjusted from 100/150/550 to 105/160/550
  • Lux: Sepll can no longer reduce magic resistance below zero
  • Shen: Ionia bonus damage reduction reduced from 10 to nine percent
  • Shen: Shield adjusted from 350/450/2000 to 400/500/2000
  • Yasuo: Last Breath range no longer scales with attack range
  • Yasuo: Health increased from 950 to 1000
  • Yasuo: Spell attack damage ratio adjusted from 475/475/1500 to 500/500/1500 percent
  • Yasuo: Spell ability power ratio adjusted from 50/75300 to 55/85/300 percent
  • Urgot: Shield adjusted from 400/500/1200 to 375/450/1200
  • Urgot: Spell attack damage ratio reduced from 250 to 225 percent
  • Zeri: Surge spell duration adjusted from 9/9/15 to 8/8/15
  • Zeri: Spell attack damage ratio reduced from 50 to 45 percent

Five-cost champions

  • Aatrox: World Ender duration increased from 10 to 12 seconds
  • Aatrox: Darkin health reduced from 400 to 350
  • Aatrox: Immune to damage and untargetable when respawning
  • Ahri: Spell Mana Reave reduced from 30 to 20 percent
  • Ahri: Spell damage adjusted from 100/150/1000 to 90/135/1000
  • Ahri: Spell wave damage nerfed from 250/375/3000 to 230/350/1888
  • Bel’Veth: Spell bonus damage per strike adjusted from 20/30/50 to 15/25/50
  • Bel’Veth: Spell number of strikes changed from six per 100 percent total attack speed to six plus five per 100 percent bonus attack speed
  • Ryze Bandle City: Ryze will start up pulled units to at least Ryze’s star level
  • Ryze Ionia: Mana nerfed from 60/120 to 50/125
  • Ryze Ionia: Damage adjusted from 175/275/3500 to 175/275/1500
  • Ryze Ionia: Heal adjusted from 400/600/3000 to 400/500/3000
  • Ryze Piltover: Damage share when within the enforcer zone adjusted from 15/20/500 to 15/30/500 percent
  • Ryze Targon: Starting mana adjusted from 10/100 to 30/100
  • Ryze Tagon: Maximum health percent damage adjusted from 18/25/100 to 18/30/100 percent
  • Ryze Zaun: Mana changed from 50/90 to 40/100
  • Senna: Spell attack speed per shield reduced from eight to six percent
  • Sion: Reanimation maximum health percent decay per second adjusted from 15/10/0 to 20/13/0 percent

Patch 13.16 bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where Recombobulator could cause odd strongest unit calculations.
  • Resolved a bug where Rek’Sai’s spell was scaling twice as much as intended from damage amplification.
  • Yorick’s Graveyard no longer grants an item when a player triggers Last Stand or Final Reserves
  • Resolved an issue where champions weren’t properly starred up in Ghost armies through Stars Are Born.
  • Players will no longer encounter a Rolling for Days Augment bug where the first reroll after a carousel round was supposed to be free.
  • Shimmer Injector now correctly prevents being executed before it procs.
  • Resolved an issue where Rek’Sai attempted to execute Taric where he is shielding her target. 
  • Thresh’s Sanctum now works in Hyper Roll mode.
  • Players can no longer reforge Crown of Demacia in Double Up mode.
  • Players can no longer use Crown of Demacia on benched units in Double Up mode.
  • A bug preventing Zed from getting the correct bonus from Ionia nine has been resolved.
  • Senna and Sion can now apply the burn from Morellonomicon with their abilities.
  • Bonus health on Chem Modded from Chemtech Enhancements Augment will now be updated immediately when a Chem Mod is removed.
  • Damage from Teemo one-star is now correct.
  • Glasc Industries will now grant the correct amount of gold when players build a craftable emblem on a unit of the same trait.
  • Dedication will no longer break if you field four units of a trait that has no emblem.
  • Players can no longer field a four-star Yordle if three three-star units aren’t on the battlefield.
  • If multiple Blacksmith’s Gloves roll Trickster’s Glass, they will now all clone the correct unit.

Update: Aug. 24, 8:15am CT: All balance changes from the 13.16 B-patch were added to the patch notes.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.