The Warden trait in Teamfight Tactics reduces the damage dealt to your team, and it showcases Set 11 champions like Sett, Illaoi, and Amumu.
Frontline matters in TFT Set 11 when you have powerful Inkborn Fable champions like Kayle, Ashe, Kai’Sa, Apheliosm, and Lilia. Multiple tank traits, like Bruisers and Behemoth, provide health, armor, and magic resistance. But the Warden trait is the way to go if you are looking for a frontline that can reduce damage.
All TFT Set 11 Warden champions
Rounding out the Warden trait are the TFT Set 11 champions Garen, Jax, Gnar, Amumu, Illaoi, Nautilus, and Sett. A four-tank frontline with Nautilus, Illoai, Sett, and Amumu during the late-game Stages can easily protect multiple backline units. Sett is a powerful five-cost, especially with beefy tanks on either side of him.
Garen is a one-cost who is good during the early game but falls off late unless you’re running a vertical Storyweaver build. Jax and Gnar are more melee carriers, while Amumu, AIllaoi, Nautilus, and Sett are all frontline tanks.
How TFT Set 11 Warden trait works
There are six breakpoints within the TFT Set 11 Warden trait, with each breakpoint unlocking more damage reduction.
Breakpoint | Ability |
Two | 10 percent damage reduction |
Four | 20 percent damage reduction |
Six | 33 percent damage reduction |
All Warden champions also gain an additional 15 percent damage reduction during the first 10 seconds of combat.
Best TFT Set 11 comps with Warden trait
Gnar reroll was an emerging TFT Set 11 PBE comp, showcased by Clement Chu on Twitter. The build showcases a three-star Senna as the primary backline carrier and Gnar as the secondary carry. Illaoi functions like Gnar within a vertical Arcanist comp, although getting her to three-star is harder.
Nautilus and Amumu are solid front-liners for an Ashe carry build, per TFT veteran Deisik, with Amumu providing Porcelain synergies while Nautilus uses Depth Charge to Stun. And Gnar has shown potential in a Dryad build with Illaoi alongside the Warden, giving Kindred space and time to pop off.
Additional best TFT comps using the Warden trait will get added once Inkborn Fables drops into live servers and the meta begins to develop.