TFT Set 9 Patch 13.14 notes: Big buffs and nerfs and B-patch

The meta is evolving.

Image of Orianna skin for TFT Set 9
Image via Riot Games

A huge Teamfight Tactics update packed with buffs, nerfs, and reworks for Runeterrra Reforged Set Nine will take place through Patch 13.14.

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Scheduled to drop onto the live servers on July 19, Patch 13.14 contains a massive number of TFT balance changes, along with the launch of the temporary Soul Brawl game mode, changes to third-party Augment data, and a new event pass. Patch 13.14 also completes the API changes to third-party sites. The sites already don’t have access to Legend win rates, and starting on July 19, they will no longer report win rates for Augments at each Stage.

Here are the official notes for TFT Patch 13.14.                                          

Image of all TFT Set Nine Patch 13.14 balance changes
Patch 13.14 | Image via Riot Games

13.14 B-patch balance changes

A TFT Set Nine 13.14 B-patch dropped on July 20 containing four champion and two Augment balance changes, according to Riot Kent.

  • Akshan: Mana changed from 30/90 to 30/110
  • Akshan: Bullet attack damage ratio nerfed from 130 to 125 percent
  • Karma: Spell damage nerfed from 180/270/445 to 170/255/420
  • Soraka: Spell heal nerfed from 200/225/250 to 170/190/220
  • Soraka: Empowered heal reduced from 50 to 40 percent bonus
  • Taric: Mana changed from 0/55 to 0/65
  • Taric: Shield duration six to four seconds
  • Think Fast has been disabled
  • Caretaker’s Ally: Unit tier reduced from three-cost to two-cost

Patch 13.14 TFT system changes

Image of Jinx skin in TFT Set Nine
Jinx | Image via Riot Games

Patch 13.14 contains multiple system changes, from Mana Reave and strongest unit adjustments to PvE rounds and a Training Dummy buff. 

Elder Dragon and PvE round changes

Players will notice that the Elder Dragon at Stage 5-7 is slightly harder to take down, due to the Elder Dragon’s health increasing from 10,000 to 12,000. The change will shorten the time players have to pivot and make adjustments heading into Stage Six. 

Other PvE rounds with Krugs, Wolves, and Raptors will always drop at least two Orbs, starting in TFT Set Nine Patch 13.14. 

Strongest unit changes

The criteria used to identify the strongest unit on the battlefield was adjusted to help players identify and build around their strongest unit. 

  • The strongest unit is the champion with the most items.
  • If there is a tie between two units, the champion most recently fielded on the battlefield becomes the strongest unit.

Training Dummy buff

Training Dummy is another system change in Patch 13.14, gaining 50 attack damage. The change benefits players who give a Training Dummy the Deadeye or Rogue trait in conjunction with the Prismatic Augment Wandering Trainer can take advantage of the AD. 

The Deadeye trait with Wandering Trainer can have the Training Dummy proc and eliminate enemies while the Rogue trait can have the Training Dummy apply bleed damage. Players can check the Training Dummies stats through the combat tracker. 

Portal Patch 13.14 changes

Both Yuumi’s Zoom Zone and Petricite Forest are getting reworked in Patch 13.14. And the Treasure Dragon reroll cost in Warlord’s Palace was reduced from two to one. 

  • Yuumi’s Zoom Zone: When you purchase XP, gain an additional two XP
  • Petricite Forest: Start a game with three Component Anvils
  • Warlord’s Palace: Treasure Dragon reroll cost reduced to one

Mana Reave adjustments

Starting with Patch 13.14, the impact of the Mana Reave debuff will get slightly reduced. All sources that Mana Reave have been reduced from 35 to 30 percent. The change will directly affect champions like Ahri, traits like Freljord, and items like Shroud of Stillness. 

Patch 13.14 TFT trait buffs and nerfs

Image of Ekko skin in TFT Set Nine
Ekko | Image via Riot Games

A bug fix was applied to the Multicaster and Shadow Isles traits. Bonus casts at the breakpoint of four through the Multicaster trait now have the intended 60 percent reduced effectiveness as opposed to 50 percent. And the Shadow Isles bug fix now counts all instances of damage towards triggering Spectral form instead of only counting damage from attacks. 

Multiple changes were also applied to the Piltover T-Hex. Starting with Patch 13.14, the T-Hex can no longer get sold at the start of the shopping phase before gaining its power. And players will no longer see floating text above T-Hex when gaining power and charges. 

  • Bruiser: Bonus health adjusted from 10/35/70 to 10/40/70 percent
  • Darkin: Respawn timer reduced from five to four seconds
  • Deadeye: Bonus damage buffed from 20/65/140 to 25/70/150 percent
  • Demacia: Armor and magic resistance adjusted from 5/20/50/100 to 5/25/60/125
  • Juggernaut: Maximum damage reduction adjusted from 25/35/50 to 25/40/50
  • Piltover: T-Hex Hextech breath damage nerfed from 360 to 325
  • Rogue: Bleed damage at the breakpoint of four increased from 30 to 40 percent
  • Shadow Isles: Shield duration buffed from 12 to 15 seconds
  • Shadow Isles: Damage instances to trigger Spectral form were increased from eight to 10
  • Slayer: Omnivamp reduced from 15 to 12 percent
  • Slayer: The health threshold of enemy units for bonus damage from Slayer units was reduced from 75 to 65 percent
  • Strategist: Ability power nerfed from 20/30/50/70 to 15/25/40/60
  • Technogenius: Mechano-Swarm Rocket damage was adjusted from 50/100/175 to 50/80/120
  • Technogenius: Shrink Module Shred and Sunder adjusted from 40/60/70 to 40/50/70 percent
  • Void: Remora base attack damage reduced from 70 to 55
  • Void: Rift Herald base health increased from 900 to 950
  • Void: Rift Herald Void charge damage buffed from 180 to 240
  • Void: Baron base health increased from 1,000 to 1,100
  • Zaun: Robotic Arm bonus attack chance reduced from 60 to 50 percent

Patch 13.14 TFT item changes

Image of Bel'Veth skin in TFT Set Nine
Bel’Veth | Image via Riot Games

A big change was applied to the Locket of Iron Solari through TFT Set Nine Patch 13.14, reducing the number of allies shielded on either side. The Ornn Artifact Sniper’s Focus gained an additional Hex range and Radiant items like Locket and Dragon Claw were also adjusted. 

  • Dragon Claw: Magic resistance increased from 70 to 75
  • Dragon Claw: Maximum health regeneration increased from four to five percent
  • Locket of the Iron Solari: Rework—Allies shielded on either side of the unit equipped with the Locket of the Iron Solari changed from two to one
  • Locket of the Iron Solari: Shield value buffed from 180/200/220 to 250/300/350 and the duration of the shield was extended from four to eight seconds

Ornn Artifacts

  • Sniper’s Focus: Grants one extra Hex range
  • Sniper’s Focus: Bonus damage per Hex reduced from 10 to eight percent

Radiant items

  • Radiant Dragon Claw: Magic resistance increased from 140 to 150
  • Radiant Dragon Claw: Maximum health regeneration increased from eight to 10 percent
  • Radiant Locket of Iron Solari: Shield value buffed from 200/250/300 to 275/325/375

Patch 13.14 TFT Augment balance changes

TFT Set 9 Ashe firiing a frozen arrow
Ashe | Image via Riot Games

Nerfs and buffs for TFT Set Nine Augments in Patch 13.14 are almost equal, with 14 total buffs and 11 nerfs. Reworks were applied to Caretaker’s Ally and Know Your Enemy and Gifts from Above has a new name. 

Legends Augments

  • Spoils of War Two and Three: A small chance to drop multiple pieces of gold through an elimination on Stage Three and beyond was re-added to the Legends Augment
  • Tiny Power One: Attack damage, ability power, and attack speed reduced from eight to seven
  • Tiny Power Two: Attack damage, ability power, and attack speed reduced from 11 to 10
  • Tiny Power Three: Attack damage, ability power, and attack speed reduced from 18 to 16

Evergreen Set Nine Augments

  • Built Different Two: Health adjusted from 175/230/285/340 to 180/240/300/360
  • Built Different Three: Health adjusted from 240/350/460/570 to 270/380/490/600
  • Built Different Two: Attack speed increased from 30/35/40/50 to 40/45/50/60 percent
  • Build Different Three: Attack speed increased from 35/40/45/55 to 50/55/60/70 percent
  • Caretaker’s Ally: Rework—Upon reaching Level Six, gain a two-star tier-three champion was changed to “Each time you level up, gain the same random tier-three champion.”
  • Caretaker’s Chosen: Radiant Armory that opens changed from Level Eight to Level Seven.
  • Dueling Gunners: Attack speed granted initially nerfed from 10 to five percent
  • Double Trouble: Two-star units are granted directly instead of through an Orb.
  • Endless Hordes: Heath reduction reduced from 40 to 20 percent.
  • Endless Hordes: Gold increased from two to eight.
  • Know Your Enemy: Rework—”Your units deal 15 percent increased damage. If you and your opponent have any of the same traits activated, your units deal 20 percent increased damage instead.”
  • Jeweled Lotus One: Crit chance decreased from 50 to 40 percent
  • Gifts from Above: Renamed to Spectral Supplies
  • Level Up: Initial XP reduced from four to two.
  • Long Distance Pals: Stats shared between the two furthest champions at the start of combat reduced from 30 to 25 percent.
  • Loving Invocation: Ability power per cast reduced from 2.5 to two
  • Mana Burn: Health burn damage per second reduced from three to two seconds
  • Medium End Shopping: Tier changed from Gold to Silver
  • Medium End Shopping: Gold reduced from three to one
  • Ravenous Hunter: Stats per stack were reduced from six to five
  • Salvage Bin: Craftable Emblems are now able to get deconstructed
  • Scrappy Inventions: Temporarily removed from Double Up mode.
  • Stable Evolution: Health per star level decreased from 80 to 70
  • Stable Evolution: Attack damage and ability power per star level reduced from eight to seven.
  • Starter Kit: Champions gained increased from one to two. 
  • Stars are Born: Gold increased from three to six.
  • Suppressing Fire: Debuff duration was increased from four to eight seconds.
  • The Boss: Sett’s stats per situp was increased from 30 to 35
  • Three’s a Crowd: Health per three-cost unit increased from 100 to 111
  • Unified Resistance: Armor and magic resistance reduced from 20 to 18
  • Wellness Trust: Gold required to heal was reduced from 50 to 40
  • Young and Wild and Free: Augment now grants a random Component

Patch 13.14 TFT champion buffs and nerfs

Image of Aatrox skin in TFT Set Nine
Aatrox | Image via Riot Games

Significant buffs were applied to several TFT Set Nine champions, along with a handful of important nerfs as well. Orianna received a rework and champions like Jinx and Aatrox interact differently with items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runaan’s Hurricane starting with Patch 13.14.  

One-cost champions

  • Cassiopeia: Mana buffed from 0/40 to 0/30
  • Cassiopeia: Spell damage nerfed from 200/300/450 to 170/255/385
  • Cho’Gath: Health gained upon elimination of target changed from 30 across the board to 30/35/40 and the health ratio was increased from 10 to 12 percent
  • Jhin: Ionia bonus attack damage nerfed from 30 to 20 percent
  • Malzahar: Spell damage buffed from 175/260/395 to 200/300/450
  • Malzahar: Spell shield destruction increased from 35 to 50 percent
  • Orianna: Rework—”Orianna shields her lowest-health ally and empowers her next attack to deal bonus magic damage.”
  • Orianna: Spell damage buffed from 190/285/430 to 260/390/585
  • Poppy: Four-star AOE stun reduced from one to 0.25 seconds
  • Renekton: Spell wind-up time reduced slightly 
  • Samira: Mana buffed from 0/40 to 0/30
  • Samira: Spell attack damage ratio reduced from 200 to 175 percent
  • Viego: Spell stab damage nerfed from 125/185/280 to 110/165/250

Two-cost champions

  • Ashe: Spell volley attack damage ratio buffed from 125/125/130 to 150/150/160 percent
  • Galio: Spell damage reduction adjusted from 20 to 20/20/25 percent
  • Galio: Spell heal buffed from 275/300/325 to 350/400/450
  • Jinx: A change was applied where every other rocket from Jinx counts as an attack from items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Jinx: Spell attack damage ratio buffed from 133/133/140 to 150/150/160 percent
  • Soraka: Spell damage buffed from 100/150/235 to 115/170/265
  • Swain: Mana buffed from 50/100 to 40/80
  • Swain: Spell buff duration reduced from six to five seconds 
  • Swain: Spell bonus health increased from 425/450/480 to 450/475/500
  • Teemo: Spell trap damage adjusted from 200/300/465/465 to 200/300/465/500
  • Warwick: Spell passive heal on attacks buffed from 25/30/35 to 30/35/40
  • Zed: Attack damage reduced from 60 to 55
  • Zed: Spell base damage adjusted from 25/40/60 to 25/40/50

Three-cost champions

  • Akshan: Similar to Jinx, every other bullet from Akshan’s ability counts as an attack for items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runaan’s Hurricane
  • Akshan: Spell bullet attack damage ratio increased from 125 to 130 percent
  • Akshan: Spell is no longer able to get interrupted by Crowd Control effects
  • Garen: Spell attack damage ratio per spin adjusted from 70/72/75 to 72/75/80 percent
  • Garen: Base spins from spell increased from 1.8 to two
  • Garen: Attack speed per bonus spin reduced from 55 to 50 percent
  • Karma: Spell damage buffed from 155/230/390 to 180/270/445
  • Karma: Ionia bonus ability power reduced from 30 to 20
  • Katarina: Spell damage nerfed from 145/220/360 to 130/195/320
  • Rek’Sai: Spell true damage threshold increased from 60 to 70 percent
  • Rek’Sai: Spell heal upon elimination reduced from 15 to 10 percent of maximum health
  • Taric: Mana buffed from 40/90 to 40/70
  • Taric: Radiance shield buffed from 400/475/550 to 550/650/750

Four-cost champions

  • Aphelios: Attack damage increased from 60 to 65
  • Gwen: Dash AI had been improved and Gwen will now continue to attack her current target after casting if able
  • Gwen: Spell third cast armor and magic resistance buff duration increased from 2/2.5/4 to 3/3/6 seconds
  • Lux: Lux’s ability is no longer affected by Crowd Control effects
  • Lux: Spell damage adjusted from 700/1050/3333 to 735/1100/3333
  • Sejuani: Sejuani now gains her shield upon casting instead of after a short delay (buff)
  • Urgot: Mana buffed from 0/100 to 30/90
  • Yasuo: Spell single target damage ratio adjusted from 500/500/1500 to 475/475/1500 percent
  • Zeri: Attack damage reduced from 60 to 65
  • Zeri: Spell Overcharge duration changed from six to 9/9/15 seconds

Five-cost champions

  • Aatrox: Armor and magic resistance increased from 60 to 70
  • Aatrox: Mana buffed from 0/60 to 0/50
  • Aatrox: Revive animation speed and cast animation speed were increased
  • Aatrox: Spell damage buffed from 250/250/2500 to 275/275/2500 percent
  • Ahri: Spell third cast wind-up time was reduced
  • Bel’Veth: Bel’Veth will no longer cast toward anything after a target is eliminated or no other targets are in range, finding the next closest target instead. Bel’Veth also moves faster in Empress form.
  • Bel’Veth: Spell slash damage attack damage ratio reduced from 75 to 65 percent
  • Bel’Veth: Mana adjusted from 0/55 to 20/70

Patch 13.14 bug fixes

  • Rolling For Days rolls now correctly count towards Frequent Flier and Return on Investment.
  • Rolling For Days rolls are no longer consumed by Think Fast.
  • Summons and Training Dummies can no longer be selected as the strongest unit for
  • Shurima, Demacia, and Lesser Jeweled Lotus.
  • Removed a small window where Darius could gain mana between casts after resetting.
  • Removed Cursed Crown and Golden Egg from Double Up mode.
  • Golden Egg unit description no longer says it will hatch into a Draconic champion
  • T-Hex can now gain mana on the first fight after cashing out if her ability is unlocked.
  • Contagion Augment bonus damage now additively stacks with other sources of bonus damage rather than multiplicatively.
  • Warlord’s Palace and Targon Prime now work in Hyper Roll.
  • Fixed a bug where Vel’Koz could occasionally fail to multicast if his first cast killed his target.
  • Yasuo can no longer use his ability on untargetable units.
  • Lesser Jeweled Lotus and Jeweled Lotus now always grant the correct amount of Critical Strike Chance.
  • Buried Treasure at all tiers will now stack properly instead of disabling the most recently selected one.
  • Fixed a bug where Demacia could give an additional radiant item when a stronger unit auto-filled an army from the bench
  • Fixed a bug where Jeweled Lotus Augments were not adding their critical strike chance together
  • The tooltips of Zeke’s Herald, Bramble Vest, Edge of Night, Mortal Reminder, Statikk Shiv, Gargoyle’s Stoneplate, Redemption, Protector’s Vow, and Hextech Gunblade now match their radiant counterparts
  • AFK Augment should now properly allow you to see the shop the round after its effects expire.
  • Think Fast will no longer appear on Augment rerolls
  • Loaded Dice can no longer be offered as part of the Targon Prime Blessing or in Hyper Roll Armories, and Double Up assist Armories.
  • Fixed a Sona spell fizzle.
  • The Riftwalk tooltip now correctly states that the Augment grants a Kassadin.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ionia bonuses would deactivate after summoning a unit during combat
  • Taliyah will no longer throw rocks at Knocked Up targets when Stunned or under Zephyr
  • Fixed a bug where Yasuo’s spell would trigger enemy Taliyahs to cast their spell on him.
  • Lucky Gloves Augment will now properly give you Sparring Gloves even if you have Component Buffet Augment.
  • Shoplifting now works correctly even when your bench is full.
  • Yasuo will no longer knock up and damage his target if he perishes mid-cast.
  • Dreaming Pool can now grant Ryze if Invoker is your top trait
  • Zeri now gets full value from Robotic Arm
  • Baron Little Legends no longer flies through the bottom of the carousel
  • Rek’Sai will no longer execute enemies through death prevention effects like Edge
  • of Night and Heimerdinger Turret’s Repair-o-matic
  • Ahri now correctly gains double mana per second while in her Ionia spirit form.
  • Deadeye units with Runaan’s Hurricane will now correctly deal Deadeye proc damage instead of Runaan’s Hurricane damage.

Update July 18 3pm CT: Additional changes according to Riot Kent on Twitter for TFT Set Nine Patch 13.14 were added.

Update July 20 3:35pm CT: All changes from the 13.14 B-patch were added.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.