Raze can one-shot Ascent doors in VALORANT

Raze mains can save their teammates from wasting bullets.

Image via Riot Games

Raze has the ultimate solution for breaking down the doors on Ascent.

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VALORANT has ever-evolving mechanics throughout their maps, but one of the arguably most frustrating ones is the closeable doors on Ascent. The long, hard work can be avoided if someone on either team is playing Raze, though.

Using Raze’s Blast Pack (Q) at the top of each of the doors will cause them to break regardless of health. At just 200 credits, Raze’s Blast Pack is a quick solution for players looking for quick entry into either Spike site. It also prevents enemies from sitting on the other side of it and waiting for players to shoot the door down and walk in.

These doors are located outside of Tree on A site, while the other one is located outside of Market on B site. The doors can be closed by anyone by a switch. This switch is located on the A site side of the door and on top of the boat on the B site side. Each door has health that can be depleted by knives or bullets. As the health of the door deteriorates the color of the door will change from blue when it is at full health to red when its health is getting low.

Since there is one door located on each Spike site on Ascent they are an added obstacle for the defending or attacking team to get on those sites when the doors are closed. Since the doors change color depending on health, it is obvious to tell when an enemy is trying to break it down. This allows players to set up on the other side and wait for the enemy to bust through the door, unsuspecting as to what is on the other side.

Fortunately, there’s now an easier solution for players trying to break the doors down.

Image of Danny Appleford
Danny Appleford
A college student writing about all things gaming.