Much like in League of Legends, there are certain champions in Wild Rift that excel more than others. Each champion has different abilities, allowing them to achieve their goals around the map.
Though the map and the champions look similar to League, Wild Rift is an entirely different game. Riot Games developed Wild Rift from the ground up to make it compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, and the team also made design decisions to make the game more mobile-friendly.
Alongside a smaller map, each champion’s abilities were slightly tweaked to increase their playability. This means that tier lists for League won’t hold up when it comes to Wild Rift. Considering each patch introduces new champions and balance changes, you should expect all listed champions to move up or down as time progresses.
Choosing a lane and champions to master will increase your odds of winning, allowing you to climb up the ranks faster. Pick a couple of champions from the top of the list and try optimizing your gameplay around their abilities. If it’s a champion you’ve never played before, watch a couple of guides on YouTube to kickstart your journey.
Here are the best champions in Wild Rift.
S-tier champions in Wild Rift
- Garen
- Alistar
- Darius
- Evelynn
- Ezreal
- Zed
- Kha’Zix
- Lee Sin
- Yuumi
- Riven
- Ahri
- Renekton
- Caitlyn
- Lucian
- Lulu
- Malphite
- Orianna
- Jhin
- Sett
- Jayce
- Karma
- Thresh
- Rakan
- Irelia
- Katarina
- Galio
- Morgana
- Xin Zhao
- Vi
- Jinx
- Draven
- Vayne
- Nautilus
- Shen
Though the champs listed below may deal less damage or be more fragile, you can still outplay all of the champions from the higher tiers. These champions weren’t able to make the cut because most of them have steep learning curves, though.
If you’re committed to mastering them, each can prove themselves to be worthy threats on Summoner’s Rift.
- Blitzcrank
- Corki
- Fiora
- Camille
- Fizz
- Kennen
- Seraphine
- Shyvana
- Yasuo
- Tristana
- Corki
- Braum
- Akali
- Ashe
- Jarvan IV
- Pyke