TFT Set 11 trait cheat sheet for Inkborn Fables

Discover every TFT Set 11 trait.

Wukong charging with staff
Image via Riot Games

Competitive battles and gorgeous art have taken over the Teamfight Tactics Set 11 Inkborn Fables, featuring 27 traits in total. 

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A new TFT tale is showcasing 59 champions within Inkborn Fables. The new mechanic for Set 11 is Encounters, featuring over 80 effects that can take place up to five times a game while trait-specific Augments like Crowns and Hearts return. There are 27 traits within Inkborn Fables, ranging from favorites like Fortune to Storyweaver and Heavenly.

For even more gameplay info, we’ve got a TFT Set 11 champion cheat sheet as well.

Sett showing off muscles
Synergize your traits. Image via Riot Games

Altruist (2/3/4)

All Altruist units heal the lowest health ally for 15 percent of the damage they deal. Your team gains armor and magic resistance at the breakpoints of 2/3/4. The TFT Set 11 champions with the Altruist trait are Riven, Soraka, and Rakan

Two10 armor and magic resistance
Three25 armor and magic resistance
Four10 armor and magic resistance

Arcanist (2/4/6/8)

Arcanist trait symbol, a black and white ward-like image
Arcanist trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

Arcanist units gain ability power while also granting ability power to allies at the breakpoints of 2/4/6/8. The Inkborn Fable Arcanist champions are Ahri, Lux, Neeko, Illaoi, Zoe, Syndra, and Lissandra

Two20 AP to all allies
Four45 AP for Arcanist units and 20 for others
Six80 AP for Arcanist units and 40 for others
Eight125 AP for Arcanist units and 125 for others

Artist (1)

The Artist trait is unique to Hwei, creating a one-star copy of a unit placed on a special bench slot. Champions with a higher unit cost take longer to copy. 

Behemoth (2/4/6)

Behemoth units gain increased armor and magic resistance at the breakpoints of 2/4/6. When a Behemoth champion perishes, the nearest Behemoth ally unit gains 50 percent more for five seconds. Behemoth TFT Set 11 Behemoth champions include Cho’Gath, Malphite, Shen, Yorick, Thresh, Ornn, and Udyr

Two25 armor and magic resistance
Four55 armor and magic resistance
Six80 armor and magic resistance

Bruiser (2/4/6/8)

Bruiser trait symbol
Bruiser trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

Much like past versions of the trait, Bruiser units gain additional maximum health at each breakpoint, with bonus physical damage at the breakpoint of eight. Activating the Bruiser trait grants your team 100 maximum health. All Inkborn Fable champions with the Bruiser trait are Kobuko, Rek’Sai, Aatrox, Riven, Tahm Kench, Galio, and Sylas

Two20 percent additional health
Four40 percent additional health
Six60 percent additional health
Eight75 percent additional health, along with every four seconds, Bruiser units deal six percent maximum health bonus physical damage on their next attack

Duelist (2/4/6)

All Duelist units gain attack speed for each attack, stacking up to 12 times. And at the breakpoint of six, Duelist units take less damage. The TFT Set 11 Duelist champions are Darius, Yasuo, Qiyana, Tristana, Volibear, Lee Sin, and Irelia

TwoFive percent attack speed
FourNine percent attack speed
Six13 percent attack speed, and Duelist units take 12 percent less damage
Eight18 percent attack speed, and Duelist units take 18 percent less damage

Dragonlord (2/3/4/5)

Dragonlord units summon a dragon after eight seconds of combat if the trait is activated. The dragon deals true damage to enemies while granting attack speed for the remainder of combat to all allies.  Health and damage are increased at each breakpoint. All Inkborn Fable units with the Dragonlord trait are Janna, Diana, Lee Sin, Xayah, and Rakan

TwoFive health percent damage and 12 percent attack speed
Three10 health percent damage and 18 percent attack speed
Four15 health percent damage, 18 percent attack speed, and Stuns for 1.5 seconds
Five25 health percent damage and 40-percent attack speed

Dryad (2/4/6)

Dryad units ability power and health at each breakpoint. An additional 150 health is granted to Dryad units when an enemy unit perishes, stacking at 2/6/10. All TFT Set 11 Dryad champions are Rek’Sai, Gnar, Kindred, Ornn, and Azir

Two15 ability power and three health per enemy death
Four30 ability power and seven health per enemy death
Six65 ability power and 11 health per enemy death

Exalted (3/5)

Exalted units change with each TFT game. Activating the trait grants four percent bonus damage to your team, with more based on your Level. Damage also increases at each breakpoint. After combat, one XP is stored in a Soul Core. Sell the Core to gain the XP stored inside. 

ThreeOne percent damage per Level
FiveThree percent damage per Level

Fated (3/5/7)

Before combat, hover and drop a Fated unit over another to form a pair and unlock a Fated bonus while your pair gains bonus health. Additional bonuses are unlocked at each breakpoint. The hover time threshold is 0.9 seconds. All Inkborn Fable champions with the Fated trait are Ahri, Yasuo, Kindred, Aphelios, Thresh, Syndra, and Sett

ThreePair gets 100 of the Fated bonus
FiveAll Fated units get 200 percent of the Fated bonus
SevenAll Fated units get 300 percent of the Fated bonus
NineAll Fated units get 300 percent of the Fated bonus

Fated champions bonus

Set 11 Fated TFT championFated bonus
AhriAbility Power: 30
YasuoShield bonus: 300
KindredAttack speed bonus: 18 percent
ApheliosAttack damage: 25 percent
ThreshArmor and magic resistance: 20
SyndraDamage bonus: 10 percent
SettOmnivamp: 15 percent

Fortune (3/5/7)

Fortune trait symbol
Fortune trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

Fortune is the econ trait of TFT Set 11. Losing a fight gains you luck but winning can have you lose luck. Breakpoints unlock more luck and bonuses. Roll a die to determine the number of player combats before holding a festival that allows you to convert luck into rewards. The win penalty is 10 percent. Units with the Fortune trait are Kobuko, Teemo, Tristana, Zoe, and Annie

ThreeThe more fights you lose, the more Luck you gain
FiveHeal two player health at the start of each combat round
SevenDuring each Festival, roll a new die. Heal three per turn

Ghostly (2/4/6/8)

After dealing or taking damage six times, Ghostly units will release two Spectres to haunt nearby enemies while healing two percent maximum health every two seconds. An enemy receives bonus damage for each Spectre on them and passes Spectres upon perishing. Heal per Spectre is increased at each breakpoint. All TFT Set 11 Ghostly champions are Caitlyn, Aatrox, shen, Illaoi, Kayn, and Morgana

TwoFive percent per spectre
Four12 percent per spectre
Six20 percent per spectre
Eight35 percent per spectre

Great (1)

The Great trait is unique to Wukong. After every three casts, Wukong’s staff expands in range while modifying his abilities. 

Heavenly (2/3/4/5/6/7)

Heavenly units grant stat bonuses to your team that are increased by their Star level and each Heavenly champion in play. Two-star units grant 30 percent more, and three-star champions grant 50 percent more. Stat bonuses increase at each breakpoint, and each Heavenly champion has their own bonus. Champions with the Heavenly trait are Kha’Zix, Malphite, Neeko, Qiyanna, Soraka, and Wuikong

Two100 percent bonus
Three115 percent bonus
Four135 percent bonus
Five165 percent bonus
Six200 percent bonus
Seven240 percent bonus

Heavenly base values

Heavenly ChampionBase value
Kha’Zix10 Crit
MalphiteEight armor and magic resistance
Neeko60 health
Qiyana10 AD
Soraka10 AP
Wukong12 attack speed
Heavenly EmblemThree percent Omnivamp

Inkshadow (3/5/7)

Activating the Inkshadow trait gains you Inkshadow items, with the items you can get changing every game. Items, bonus damage, and damage reduction increase at each breakpoint. All TFT Set 11 champions with the Inkshadow trait are Jax, Aatrox, Senna, Volibear, Kai’Sa, and Udyr

ThreeOne item, five percent bonus damage, and X damage reduction
FiveTwo items, seven percent bonus damage, and X damage reduction
SevenFour items, 10 percent bonus damage, and X damage reduction

Invoker (2/4/6)

Invoker trait symbol
Invoker trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

Invoker units are all about mana, gaining it every three seconds. Additional mana is granted at each breakpoint. Invoker champions are Kog’Maw, Janna, Alune, Annie, Lillia, and Azir

TwoFive mana to all
FourAdditional 20 mana to Invoker units
Six35 mana to all and an additional 15 mana to Invoker units

Lovers (Unique)

Lover units in TFT Set 11 are Xayah and Rakan. They are essentially one unit through the Lovers trait. A Lover is active on the game board, depending on placement. Put the Lovers up front and Trickshot Xayah goes to work, while on the backrow it’s Altruist Rakan. When the fielded Lover unit casts, the other standing on the sideline casts a bonus effect. 

Mythic (3/5/7/10)

Mythic is a vertical trait in Set 11, with champions gaining health, ability power, and attack speed. After four combat rounds, Mythic units become Epic, increasing bonuses by 50 percent. Health and ability power increase at each breakpoint. Mythic champions in Inkborn Fables are Cho’Gath, Kog’Maw, Neeko, Bard, Lillia, Nautilus, and Hwei

Three10 health percent and 12 AP
Five20 health percent and 22 AP
Seven30 health percent and 35 AP
10Instantly become Epic. The bonus is increased by 200 percent instead

Porcelain (2/4/6)

The Porcelain trait has its units boil after casting, granting them attack speed while taking less damage for three seconds. Attack speed and reduced damage increase through each breakpoint. Porcelain champions in TFT Set 11 are Lux, Amumu, Ashe, and Lissandra

Two30 percent attack speed and 20 percent reduced damage
Four60 percent attack speed and 35 percent reduced damage
Six125 percent attack speed and 65 percent reduced damage

Reaper (2/4)

Reaper units lean into Critical Strike power. Abilities of Reaper units can critically strike while gaining 20 percent Critical Strike Chance at the breakpoint of two.  Reaper units at the breakpoint of four will Bleed enemies for 60 percent bonus true damage over a three-second duration. All Reaper units are Kha’Zix, Kindred, Yone, and Kayn

Sage (2/3/4/5)

The Sage trait grants bonuses based on board placement. At combat start, allies in the two front rows gain Omnivamp while allies in the back two rows gain ability power. Both Omnivamp and ability power increase at each breakpoint. Sage champions in TFT Set 11 are Zyra, Diana, Morgana, and Wukong

Two11 percent Omnivamp or 15 AP
Three18 percent Omnivamp or 30 AP
Four30 percent Omnivamp or 45 AP
Five44 percent Omnivamp or 75 AP

Sniper (2/4/6)

Sniper trait symbol
Sniper trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

Sniper units innately gain one attack range while dealing more damage to targets farther away. Damage per Hex increases at each breakpoint. Sniper champions are Caitlyn, Kog’Maw, Senna, Phelios, and Ashe

TwoSeven percent damage per Hex
Four15 percent damage per Hex
Six30 percent damage per Hex plus two additional Hex range

Spirit Walker (1)

The Spirit Walker trait is unique to Udyr and triggers the first time the champion drops below 50 percent health. It then heals Udyr to full strength while granting increased movement speed and changing his ability from Ram Slam to Tiger Strikes. 

Storyweaver (3/5/7/10)

Once the Stroyweaver trait in TFT Set 11 is activated, it summons a hero named Kayle while granting all Storyweaver units maximum health. Each breakpoint unlocks an effect for Kayle and increases the health of Storyweaver units. The star level of Storyweaver units increases Kayle’s health and ability. Kayle also gets a 15 percent bonus attack speed for each Stage of the game. Kayle’s AP is 150/225/375/800 percent. Storyweaver champions are Garen, Sivir, Riven, Zyra, Zoe, Galio, and Irelia

ThreePick a combat effect; Storyweaver units gain 100 health. Stage scaling is 5/7.5/10/12.5/15
Five Pick a combat effect; Storyweaver units gain 150 health. Stage scaling is 5/7.5/10/12.5/15
SevenPick a combat effect; Storyweaver units gain 150 health. Stage scaling is 10/10/10/12.5/15
10Ascend, Storyweaver units gain 250 health

Trickshot (2/3/4/5)

Trickshot trait symbol
Trickshot trait symbol. Image via Riot Games

All abilities of Trickshot units ricochet, with each ricochet dealing a percentage of the previous bounce’s damage. Champions with the Trickshot trait are Sivir, Teemo, Bard, Kai’Sa, and Xayah

TwoOne ricochet and 40 percent of previous damage
FourTwo ricochets and 60 percent of previous damage

Umbral (2/4/6/8)

The Umbral trait has the moon illuminate Hexes on the board, shielding units placed on those Hexes at the start of combat. Units within illuminated Hexes will also execute low-health enemies. Umbral units are Darius, Yorick, Alune, Yone, Sylas, and Sett

Two200 shield and 10 percent health execute
Four500 shield and 18 percent health execute
Six1,000 shield and illuminate the whole board, and 18 percent health execute
EightExecuted enemies have a 100 percent chance to drop loot and 40 percent health execute, and a 1,000 shield.

Warden (2/4/6)

All Warden TFT units gain damage reduction, and for the first 10 seconds of combat, they gain an additional 15 percent damage reduction. Set 11 Warden champions are Garen, Jax, Gnar, Amumu, Illaoi, Nautilus, and Sett.

Two10 percent damage reduction
Four20 percent damage reduction
Six33 percent damage reduction

Update March 12, 3:15pm CT: All TFT Set 11 traits, abilities, and effects were updated following the March 12 Inkborn Fables PBE patch.

Image of Danny Forster
Danny Forster
Danny has been writing for Dot Esports for over five years, first as a freelancer and now as a staff writer. He is the lead beat writer for Magic: The Gathering and Teamfight Tactics. Danny is also a solid Monopoly GO player, having beaten every main event without spending a dime. When Danny isn't writing or gaming, he's chilling by the water in Spacecoast Florida with his family and friends. He's always got a tan, because touching grass is important, and loves playing strategic digital and tabletop games. Past outlets Danny has written for include TheGamer and ScreenRant.