Swip3rR lives up to his name with incredible Gnar combo in the OPL

Mammoth stood no chance between the Titan in top lane and the Baron wall.

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Oceanic League veteran Brandon “Swip3rR” Holland has been a staple of the OPL since the beginning. Throughout his illustrious career, which includes more than 300 games, he has made many highlight-worthy plays on a number of champions, including his hallmark Gnar.

He might have made one of his best yet this weekend, though, in one of this week’s Maccas I’m Loving It moments.

Up against the undefeated Mammoth in the Oceania Pro League, the Chiefs entered the match as underdogs. After a rough start to the split, it’s taken some big performances from the likes of Brandon “Claire” Nguyen and Quin “Raes” Korebrits for the Chiefs to start turning their season around.

The game looked to be resting on Raes’ shoulders once again, as the Chiefs fell behind Mammoth early, with their opposition aiming to take Baron and secure the game 27 minutes in. Swip3rR was over 80 minions behind his opponent, Ibrahim “Fudge” Allani’s Irelia, and a couple of deaths down, but no one knows how to stand up to the pressure like Big Swips.

After dancing around the Baron, the Chiefs found the perfect opportunity to lock down Mammoth. With Claire’s Azir baiting an engage from Mammoth, Swip3rR was able to line up four Mammoth members up against the wall, and smash them to pieces.

Claire and Raes then cleaved through the helpless Mammoth, taking a huge fight win, the Baron, and putting the Chiefs on the comeback trail. If it wasn’t for Jordan “Only” Middleton’s Kindred ult, however, Swip3rR might have never lived to make the game-changing play. It was a massive team effort, but it took the poise of a veteran to pull it off perfectly.

This one play was enough to get the snowball rolling for the Chiefs late game team comp, and they managed to topple Mammoth just six minutes later. With the victory, the Chiefs are now within striking distance of the top of the table, and are on the hunt for their first title in three years. 

With more moments like this, greatness, and a spot of Worlds, will come in time for this Chiefs roster, and Swip3rR will get his chance to shine on the world stage, like he has always dreamed.

Image of Andrew Amos
Andrew Amos
Affectionately known as Ducky. A massive Australian esports fan, supporting the southern cross all over the world. Ex-amateur League of Legends player, as well as a three-time Unigames player.