New Overwatch 2 hero teaser confirms fans were right all along

The internet wins again.

A teaser for the new Overwatch 2 hero labeled "Solar Threading Ritual."
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller’s weekly post to the game’s official blog on Friday included some discussion of the game’s upcoming content, including the new game mode Flashpoint, but he ended it with a little bit of a teaser for fans that want details surrounding the new hero coming in season six.

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Blizzard originally teased the hero with a trailer for content coming in August. A quick glimpse of the hero’s silhouette in the sun showed just enough to get players theorizing what exactly the hero might be like, and today, Keller confirmed that a lot of the ideas that fans have been spitballing are surprisingly accurate.

“The internet immediately went to work enhancing the video to give her more definition,” he said. “Someone even created a concept piece for her! We knew people would do this, and we were surprised with how many of the details they got right about her look.”

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While Keller added that he can’t reveal the new hero yet, he did provide some more preview content for players that perfectly fit the bill of what most people have been expecting. With an image titled “Solar Threading Ritual,” Keller showed the new hero while she appears to be getting beamed with some type of solar energy.

The ritual is likely tied to what many fans believe is her origin, which stems from the Inca Empire and the Peruvian highlands. While Keller didn’t confirm exactly what players got right and wrong about the new hero, his surprise at how much fans seemed to figure out by themselves suggests that we’ve been on the right track. The image he shared today will only deepen that belief from fans that our new hero will be some sort of solar-powered Peruvian with Incan roots.

Image of Max Miceli
Max Miceli
Senior Staff Writer. Max graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a journalism and political science degree in 2015. He previously worked for The Esports Observer covering the streaming industry before joining Dot where he now helps with Overwatch 2 coverage.