Like other titles in the Armored Core series, Armored Core 6 revolves around completing missions, which are divided into chapters. There are 59 missions in total, although there are some instances where players need to pick between two, so there are technically five more.
These missions are organized into chapters for different parts of the story. Some have more missions and therefore take longer, so it’s not divided equally.
How many chapters are there in Armored Core 6?
There are five chapters in Armored Core 6. The first chapter has 11 missions, the second chapter has three, the third chapter has 12 (plus one decision mission), the fourth chapter has six (plus one decision mission), and the fifth chapter has five (plus three decision missions).
Although the chapters vary in length, they play out the same; each ends with a major boss fight that needs to be completed to continue the story.
How long is Armored Core 6?
Armored Core 6 is about 22 hours long, but that’s for a basic playthrough that only includes finishing all the missions, and it largely depends on a player’s experience and skill. If you’re a completionist or someone who is relatively new to the series, it could take more than 30 hours.
The first chapter is the longest. It takes anywhere between four to seven hours. The second is much shorter and takes one to two hours to finish. The third chapter is six hours, the fourth is around two to three, and the fifth is four to six.
Related: Armored Core 6: Beginner tips and tricks for AC6
Ultimately, it is what you make of it. Some players want to speedrun all the missions, while others want to spend time honing their skills. Plus, there’s always a chance that you’ll get stuck somewhere if your build isn’t right. It’s a good idea to change it since what works in one mission might not work as well in another.