Climbing Elo: Twisted Fate

I figured I would share my thoughts on one of my favorite mid laners, Twisted Fate. I’m going to be covering two builds: one that is very conventional, and the other, not so much.


Climbing Elo: Ezreal

Continuing with my series, “Climbing Elo,” I will be showing you effective ways to play some of my favorite champions, including Ezreal, Jhin, Ekko, Twisted Fate and Corki.


Climbing Elo: 101

The Elo system of League of Legends has always been known to be treacherous. Whether it was the old “number” Elo system of season one and two, or the new division system, most players face a single issue: hitting a seemingly impassable wall.


Worlds 2016: RNG Crush the NA Dream

For the final scheduled game of Group D, NA’s Team SoloMid faced off against LPL’s Royal Never Give Up. The winning team would go through to the quarterfinals.


Worlds 2016: SSG Secure Quickest Win at Worlds

With EU’s Splyce out of contention for the quarterfinals, LCK’s Samsung Galaxy met LPL’s Royal Never Give Up on the rift to see who could get an advantage in the group.
