
Worlds 2016: SSG Secure Quickest Win at Worlds

With EU’s Splyce out of contention for the quarterfinals, LCK’s Samsung Galaxy met LPL’s Royal Never Give Up on the rift to see who could get an advantage in the group.

With EU’s Splyce out of contention for the quarterfinals, LCK’s Samsung Galaxy met LPL’s Royal Never Give Up on the rift to see who could get an advantage in the group.

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Here is how it all went down:

                          SSG                                         RNG

TOP:                  CuVee-Ekko                              Looper-Rumble
JNG:                  Ambition-Olaf                           Mlxg-Rek’sai
MID:                  Crown-Viktor                             Xiaohu-Malzahar
ADC:                 Ruler-Caitlyn                             Uzi-Ezreal
SUP:                 CoreJJ-Zyra                               Mata-Braum
BANS:              Lee Sin/Syndra/Aurelion Sol     Karma/Jhin/Nidalee

Early Game: SSG Take A Strong Early Lead

After a slow early game with SSG winning in CS, RNG overstepped their boundaries when they tried to catch out Ambition and SSG secured first blood on Xiaohu. With the numbers advantage, SSG made their way towards the bot lane and took first tower gold to give them a 4k gold lead at 10 minutes. Now with an Ocean Drake under their belt, SSG looked poised to dominate RNG the rest of the game.

Mid Game: The Dismantling of RNG

With no signs of stopping, SSG made quick work of RNG’s structures and objectives. The biggest mistake RNG kept making was trying to fight at every objective as opposed to willingly losing some to find resources elsewhere on the map. Time and time again, RNG were caught out at every turn, giving SSG easy pickings at anything they wanted.

Late Game: Huge Gold Lead and Baron Spell Death for RNG

With RNG being forced to defend their base, SSG took Baron as soon as it spawned to increase their gold lead to 14k. After taking out half of the RNG squad, SSG took two inhibitors and secured the Nexus for the fastest Worlds win this year at 23 minutes and 39 seconds. At every turn, RNG was shut down and SSG made it clear that they were here to play.

RNG is now 2-3, while SSG improves to 4-1.

What do you think about the action so far today at Worlds? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.
