Of Mods and Minions

"MonteCristo Rants About Teams Not Practicing for MSI" is relevant to /r/leagueoflegends. The mods' decision to remove it represents an overstepping of authority.

5 NA LCS Stories to Follow

With the advent of the new LCS split we are able to see the culmination of the offseason roster moves. With entirely new teams, and veterans moving not only across organizations but across regions the split has interesting implications.

Liquid’s Roster Roulette

Team Liquid recently announced that they will field a ten man roster for the 2016 LCS season. The immediate reaction was mild as the players, with the exception of Piglet, remained unannounced.

Re-examining the Samsung Exodus

In the wake of Samsung White’s dominating World Championship performance and subsequent disbanding the Korean exodus began. Many of the top players in Korea moved on to the greener pastures of Chinese League of Legends.