The most useful console commands for CS2

Make the most of your console.

An obelisk with hieroglyphs painted with the letter B sits in the middle of the B bombsite on Anubis in Egypt in Counter-Strike 2.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

If you’re playing Counter-Strike 2 and you’re not using console commands, you’re missing out. This tactical shooter features a long list of customizable options that allow you to personalize your game.

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You can use the console to add, tweak, and replace elements of the user interface such as your mini-map, HUD, crosshair, and much more. 

How to open the console in CS2

The image shows a typical Terrorist model in CS2 with a mute icon.
If you want to practice, you need to know some of these commands. Image via Dot Esports

To use the console in CS2, press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard when you’re in a game. If you haven’t already, you can enable your console by heading to your settings and checking the Enable Developer Console box.

When you open the console, type in any of these commands.

Best console commands in CS2

Best console commands for user interface in CS2

cq_netgraph 1

This command allows you to see a ton of useful information on your screen, but it’s not as informative as its previous CS:GO counterpart.

cl_showfps 1

It allows you to see the FPS you’re currently having on screen. This helps you to register how well your computer is handling CS2, and whether you need to apply some further settings changes to increase it.

fps_max 0

This command allows you to put a limit of maximum FPS. If you just want it to be unlimited, however, just keep it 0.

bind [action] [key]

It’s probably one of the most important commands in the game. With this, you can set a certain action to a custom key on your keyboard. For example, if you want to bind space to your Y, just write bind action Y, and from now on you will jump by clicking this key. It’s extremely useful when you’re aiming to use different keys than the ones in default setup.


If you finish a game, or for some reason want to quickly leave the one you’re currently in the middle of, typing disconnect will return you to the main menu of the game.


If you’re sick and tired of listening to your teammates rambling on about nonsense, this command will give you some peace and quiet. It mutes everyone on your team, or unmutes them.


This can be used to change the voice chat volume of your teammates. As a scaleable command, you can increase or decrease the volume however you see fit by adjusting the number at the end of the command anywhere between 0 and 1.


Similarly to disconnect, quit, as the name suggests, completely shuts down CS2 in a span of a second.

volume 0.x

With this command, you can set your in-game volume quickly. X should be replaced with a number you want to set it on. For example, if you want it to be on 20, just write volume 0.2.

Best console commands for customization in CS2

cl_disable_ragdolls 1

Like the name suggests, this command disables the ragdoll animation in CS2.

cl_drawhud 0

With this, you will be able to disable all HUD elements. In a standard matchmaking game it’s of no use, but if you want to take a better screenshot, it’s perfect.

Best console commands for FPS and lag in CS2

fps_max 0

No, this won’t make your game run at zero frames per second. Instead, it will have your computer run the game as fast as possible for your current setup.

cl_hide_avatar_images 1

This is a useful one thanks to the fact that it cuts some of the data digging CS2 normally has to do. The avatars you see for both friendly and enemy players are retrieved from Steam. Disabling this means CS2 doesn’t have to be communicating as much with Steam.

cl_autohelp 0

Many folks dislike the hints that appear in games. Especially when it’s something as competitive as CS2. Turning this off won’t only help your GPU have less to worry about, but it’ll be nice to be rid of gameplay reminders that you’re already aware of.

vprof_off AND iv_off

Both VProf and IV run behind the scenes in CS2. Their entire purpose is to boost a game’s performance, but if you don’t have a super powerful rig it’s going to do more harm than help. Turning it off could possibly give you the FPS boost you need.

cl_updaterate 128

Not only is this command fun and rhymey to say out loud, but it could help with fixing interpolation rates for your game. Upping this setting to 128 should, hopefully, help your matches to feel more responsive.

cl_interp_ratio 1

This is another way for you to possibly lower any kind of inconsistent interpolation rate when playing.


Increasing your update rate and lowering your interpolation rate can produce finnicky results. If these commands above don’t work for you, try using different numbers until you find the settings that work best for you and your PC.

Best console commands for performance in CS2

novid (performance)

This command turns off Valve’s annoying pre-game intros, saving you a few seconds when you load up a new map.

high (performance)

With this command, CS2 will be given a high priority in your CPU usage, meaning the game should be, in theory, running smoother.

Best console commands for practice in CS2

sv_cheats 1

This command will give you the ability to experiment with your own personal server. You can use it to activate almost any client-sided or server-sided console command.


With noclip, you can freely fly throughout the map on the server you’re hosting. Keep in mind that it needs sv_cheats 1 to work properly.

sv_infinite_ammo 1

Grants you unlimited ammo for all of your weapons and grenades.

mp_restartgame 1

If you need to restart your practice match, this one should do the deal.


This command is excellent for practicing grenades. You can use it to execute pop-flashes, smokes, and get to grips with the game’s physics. Once used, it shows the trajectory of the grenade in the air.


Sometimes when practicing alone, knowing where grenade lands simply isn’t enough, and seeing it with your own eyes helps you understand it better. To have the next grenade you throw repeated over and over, use this command.


This command will add a bot to your private game, allowing you to practice your aim before you jump into matchmaking.


On the other hand, this will help you kick a bot.


If you need a bot to stand in a certain position to try out a boost or something similar, this will come in handy. It places a bot in a location that you’re looking at.

bot_stop 1

This stops all the bots on the server to stop moving. Using the command with 0 instead of 1 will make them moving again.

mp_roundtime 60

By using this command you will set the round time to 60 minutes, which is enough to practice your grenades and so on. If it’s not, you can always start the next round and repeat it.

mp_buytime 60000; mp_buy_anywhere 1; ‘mp_maxmoney 65535;mp_startmoney 65535

If you want to switch to any weapon at any time, and buy them without limits, write this command. The first part will allow you to obtain new equipment anywhere and anytime you want, while the second part will give you tons of money to do so.

mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1; mp_respawn_on_death_t 1

Allows you to respawn instantly after death.

r_drawOtherModels 2

Highlights players and bots so that they’re visible through walls.

changelevel [map code]

Allows you to change maps without having to leave a practice server.


This command gives you “god mode,” making you indestructible in private servers. It requires the sv_cheats 1 command.


This command kills you on the spot.

How to create an autoexec file for CS2

To create an autoexec file, you’ll have to manage the files for CS2 and create a Text Document that you repurpose into an autoexec.cfg file.

If you want to make some console command changes to CS2 that will apply themselves every time you open the game, you’ll want to create an autoexec file.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Screenshot of the Launch Options section within the Steam settings for Counter-Strike 2.
Screenshot by Dot Esports
  1. Select the ‘Manage’ option for CS2 in Steam by right-clicking the game.
  2. Select ‘Browse Local Files.’
  3. Open the ‘CSGO’ then ‘CFG’ folder.
  4. Within the ‘CFG’ folder, create a ‘Text Document.’
  5. Name this document ‘autoexec.cfg.’
  6. Open this document using the Notepad app or your preferred text editor.
  7. Within the text editor, add your preferred console commands.
    • Again, the console commands you enter here will run every time you launch CS2.
  8. Make sure to save the file before closing it.
  9. Head back to steam, and select the ‘Properties’ option you’ll see after right-clicking on CS2.
  10. Head to the ‘General’ tab and find the text box beneath ‘Launch Options.’
  11. Type ‘+exec autoexec.cfg’ into the text box.

Now, when you launch CS2, your preferred console commands should be applied automatically.

Image of Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath
Jerome Heath is a senior editor at Dot Esports.
Image of Mateusz Miter
Mateusz Miter
Polish Staff Writer. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.
Image of Cade Davie
Cade Davie
Proud husband and cat dad, Cade has been writing about games for several years and playing them for almost three decades. While he'll happily play everything he can get his hands on, he's partial to games released by Airship Syndicate, From Software, and Giant Squid.