Best supports for Caitlyn in League of Legends

The Sheriff of Piltover is ready to take aim.

Caitlyn and Vi looking at each other in a high school
Image via Riot Games

Caitlyn has been one of the most popular ADCs in League of Legends ever since her release back in 2011. Because of that, many League players will want to know what the best supports are to pair with Caitlyn, and we have the answers.

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When paired with the correct support, Caitlyn can become one of the most oppressive champions in all of League of Legends. But knowing which supports pair well with her can be a difficult task.

Caitlyn has a plethora of good support pairings that bring out her strengths, but none can synergize quite as well with Piltover’s sniper as the champions we’ve gathered below. Here are the best supports to pair with Caitlyn in League.

Best supports for Caitlyn in LoL


Coven Morgana raising her hand in a dark temple.
Once you bind an enemy with her Dark Binding, it’s easy for Caitlyn to follow and finish them. Image via Riot Games

Morgana and Caitlyn make for a terrifying duo in the bot lane when played correctly. Combining Caitlyn’s massive attack range and Piltover Peacemaker (Q) ability with Morgana’s Tormented Shadow (W) creates an oppressive poke lane for your unfortunate opponents.

This ADC and support combo truly shines with Morgana’s Dark Binding (Q) and Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap (W). With all the poke damage you’ll be dishing out, just one Dark Binding landed by your support and a well-timed Yordle Snap Trap will likely result in a kill.

This obnoxious ability combo will have your enemy stuck in place for anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 seconds depending on Morgana’s Dark Binding rank. You can even combine this with Morgana’s Soul Shackles (R) for an additional 1.5-second root.

Another bonus to this duo is Morgana’s Black Shield (E), which, when timed well, can be the perfect save for a Caitlyn about to be caught in CC; a likely end for the squishy ADC.


Bard, a mystical golem-like creature, wearing red and grey and meditating in a forest in League of Legends.
The Wandering Caretaker has unmatched potential. Image via Riot Games

One of the supports with the highest win rate alongside Caitlyn at the end of the 2023 season is Bard. The champion is often overlooked by many support players due to his complex kit that doesn’t excel in any aspect, but alongside certain champs like Caitlyn, he can do some seriously powerful plays.

As Bard, players can provide their ADCs with some utility and mobility. The latter is especially valuable for Caitlyn, who doesn’t have many escape tools besides her 90 Caliber Net (E), and even that is often not enough. Bard’s Magical Journey (E) opens the door to additional ganks in the bottom lane, more fights over objectives in the jungle, and can be also used as an escape route when skirmishes don’t go your way.

In lane, Bard can provide some decent poke, which is a massive advantage for Caitlyn players looking for opportunities to annoy enemies with their long-range auto attacks. Paired together, the two should look for some early action, possibly with help from their jungler, to get ahead.

Afterward, Bard can make some plays with his ultimate. It’s perfect for both protecting Caitlyn from threats, since it makes her invulnerable, or locking down enemies so that she and the rest of the team are able to catch up. As easy as it sounds, though, it requires some sophisticated communication in order to yield the expected results.


As powerful as Bard’s ultimate is, it can sometimes be more helpful for the enemy team rather than your own if misplaced. Try having as much vision as possible, and keep track of the enemy squad and the situation on the map so you don’t misplay.


Milio sits high in a tree surrounded by tiny, smiling fireballs known as fuemigos.
One of League’s newest supports didn’t see much pro play this year, but he’s a formidable pick alongside Caitlyn. Image via Riot Games

Milio’s emergence on Summoner’s Rift has been a rather interesting one. While this enchanter possesses the heals and shields needed to classify him into this role, he also has extra tools that work particularly well with champions with an innately high auto-attack range—and nobody has more right-off-the-bat than Caitlyn.

Players can take Caitlyn’s poke to the next level as Milio, thanks to his passive, Fired Up!, which grants an ally’s next attack a small burn over time when Milio uses an ability on them. Thanks to the shield and movement speed boost associated with his E, Warm Hugs, Caitlyn can inflict major pressure on her enemies throughout the game without needing to get anywhere near them.

But the true power of this combination is unlocked when Milio uses his W, Cozy Campfire. This ability is the only one in the game to provide a small area where, not only do allies within it heal over time, but they gain increased attack range. Therefore, Caitlyn, who already has the highest base attack range in the game, can further evolve her sniping fantasies and make laning against this pair nearly impossible.

Yet this powerful ability is balanced through a long cooldown and also being Milio’s only non-ultimate way of healing allies, meaning Milio and Caitlyn will have to work closely together when they want to unleash the barrage of attacks on their opponents—or use this ability for a clutch heal.


Thresh holding his hook and lantern.
Let’s face it—Thresh suits almost any ADC in the game. Image via Riot Games

Thresh is a fantastic support to almost any ADC in League, and this is especially true with Caitlyn.

You may be starting to see a trend: similar to Morgana and even Bard, some of the best synergies between the two are their ability to CC opponents for long periods of time. All Thresh has to do is land a Death Sentence (Q), and along with a well-placed Yordle Snap Trap, the opponents will be stuck for quite some time.

Where this support pairing differs is with Thresh’s more all-in playstyle as well as his disengage capabilities with Flay (E), Dark Passage (W), and The Box (R). This means you won’t have a support partner to help you poke down enemies before the engage, but you’ll have a lot more CC during the duration of the fight. This lane duo is also a bit less susceptible to ganks from the enemy jungler.

Thresh’s displacement capabilities make this combo a bit more difficult to make work with a random support partner. If your support chooses to use Flay just as you put down your trap, they could potentially pull or push the enemy out of your Yordle Snap Trap’s range.

Aside from this, Thresh’s ultimate ability also makes for some great disengage or slows to keep your opponents within reach even longer. Additionally, most Thresh players take the Glacial Augment keystone rune, which will provide an additional slow for a few seconds whenever they land a CC ability. But be mindful that there’s a 25-second cooldown to this effect.


Crystalis Motus Leona holding her shield and sword.
Pair with Leona to become a perilous, all-in bottom lane duo. Image via Riot Games

Leona is another support that functions similarly to Thresh and also pairs very well with Caitlyn in League.

The laning phase of this duo will revolve around waiting for Leona to land their Zenith Blade (E) and then immediately placing a Yordle Snap Trap on the target. Leona will then use Shield of Daybreak (Q) to stun the target for one second, leading directly into your trap’s 1.5-second root duration.

Throughout this layering of CC, you’ll obviously want to pump as much damage into your opponent as possible, using both your Piltover Peacemaker ability and 90 Caliber Net (E) to rack up as many Headshots as you can.

Additionally, if your Leona support partner has their ultimate ability ready, they can drop Solar Flare (R) on the target for another 1.75 seconds of CC.

This support option is a bit riskier than Thresh, though: You lose out on a lot of disengage and utility for pure CC, so be careful of ganks.


Having early vision as Leona is pivotal, since the champion has an all-in kit. If you want to engage in the bottom lane, make sure you know where the enemy jungler and mid laner are so you don’t get ambushed.


Lulu pointing to Kog'Maw where to attack.
If you don’t have an aggressive team comp, Lulu will fit like a glove. Image via Riot Games

The Fae Sorceress herself differs from the previous entries. Despite providing no hard CC—aside from her ultimate ability’s short knock-up—Lulu is an amazing support when paired with Caitlyn, or really any other ADC in the game; it’s hard to go wrong with this enchantress.

Nearly all of Lulu’s abilities are catered around keeping your carry alive and providing them with as many buffs as possible. The first ability that allows Lulu to keep her teammates healthy is Help, Pix! (E), which gives the targeted ally a shield for 2.5 seconds.

Lulu’s Whimsy (W) ability is a fantastic multipurpose tool that can be used on enemies to polymorph them for up to two seconds, or, if used on an ally, to give them bonus attack speed and movement speed for up to four seconds.

Lastly, Lulu’s ultimate ability, Wild Growth (R), will knock up any enemies in a short radius around the ally it’s used on and give them a large chunk of bonus health for seven seconds.

When combined, all of these abilities give the squishy and low-mobility marksman Caitlyn everything she needs to stay alive and dish out damage during lane battles or teamfights.

You may think you won’t be killing any of your opponents during the lane phase because Lulu is made to keep her carries alive and has no hard CC before level six, but that isn’t true. Early on, Lulu has shocking amounts of damage with her passive and Glitterlance (Q) ability.

If you’ve also chosen to take Ignite as one of your summoner spells, you’ll have plenty of kill pressure in the early stages of the lane. And when Lulu is paired with Caitlyn, an oppressive and long-range ADC, one or two kills are all you’ll need to get that snowball rolling.


Senna wearing white jacket and black pants and looking at the camera
What’s better than one ADC in the bottom lane? Two of them. Image via Riot Games

Though the strange double-marksman bot lane meta that plagued the end of last year and start of this season has started to dry out, one marksman remains at the top of the support meta thanks not only to how oppressive she can be in lane but the utility she provides her allies: Senna.

The Redeemer has been a nuisance for Riot to balance since her release due to her unique nature as a marksman made for the support role. She’s been subject to numerous nerfs and subsequent buffs for a number of years, now sitting comfortably as a great pairing for nearly any ADC—especially those who enjoy early-game lane pressure like Caitlyn.

Senna can not only reach targets from afar with both her normal auto attacks and her Q, Piercing Darkness, but if her Q hits an enemy, it will slow them, thus giving both her and Caitlyn the chance to unleash rains of bullets on their opponents from a safe distance. Like with many other champions that work well with Caitlyn, Senna can also combo the root from her W, Last Embrace, with a Caitlyn trap to burst through enemy health bars and oftentimes resulting in the need for them to expend a summoner spell.

While this combination certainly can be oppressive at all stages of the game, they lack any mobility whatsoever outside of the brief movement speed buff from Senna’s E, Curse of the Black Mist. Therefore, any initiation on either of these marksmen will either send them back to the fountain or force them to use Flash.

Image of Payton Nash
Payton Nash
Freelance writer for Dot Esports. Washed-up Immortal VALORANT player and one-tap aficionado. Wanted to be a streamer once, and now he writes about them.
Image of Ethan Garcia
Ethan Garcia
Ethan Garcia is a freelance writer for Dot Esports, having been part of the company for three years. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Magazine Journalism from Syracuse University and specializes particularly in coverage of League of Legends, various Nintendo IPs, and beyond.
Image of Mateusz Miter
Mateusz Miter
Polish Staff Writer. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.