The 10 least-played League of Legends champions (March 2024)

Give some love to these forgotten champions.

Kennen and Fizz in League of Legends
Image via Riot Games

With more than 160 unique champions, League of Legends has one of the largest rosters of any MOBA game. Every year since its release in 2009, Riot Games has designed new champions with exciting kits and unseen mechanics or playstyles.

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While this is great for stimulating players and adding even more depth to the game, the constant addition of new characters has inevitably made others obsolete. Here’s a look at the 10 least-played champions in League.

The least-played League champions in Challenger

The least-played League champions in Challenger
No one likes these champions. Screenshot by Dot Esports

These are the 10 least-played League champions in Challenger, according to stats site LoLalytics. The list is up to date as of March 2024 during Patch 14.6.

Challenger players naturally have a better idea of the best champions in the meta since they represent the very top of ranked play and professional League. As such, a majority of these picks are understandably weak.


If the number of matches appears low, the season may have only just started, and as such, we’ve got limited information about how the Challenger meta is shaping up. Check back throughout the season for a more rounded list.

It’s tough to say whether you base you should pick champions based on Challengers’ picks. While they have a better understanding of the game, you might still carry some of your games with these champions as long as you master them.

Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the 10 least-played champions in League overall.

Least-played League champions in all ranks

10) Quinn

Quinn shooting with a crossbow in her left hand, and Valor aiming to sit on her right hand.
She’s never been a popular pick. Image via Riot Games

First up on our list in 10th place is Quinn, who has fallen quite flat despite several changes to her kit throughout season 14. With a 50.82 percent win rate, she’s far from awful. In fact, she sits in LoLalytics A tier for top laners. Nevertheless, she’s never been hugely popular with the wider player base.

9) Singed

Singed running with bees coming out of hive on the back.
If only Teemo could join this list, too. Image via Riot Games

A 51.71 percent win rate hasn’t saved Singed, who has moved from 10th to ninth on our list and is one of the least-played League champs this patch. The Mad Chemist actually received a buff back in Patch 14.1, but nerfs throughout season 13 have kept him in the dark. Perhaps his Arcane debut will see him skyrocket in popularity?

8) Corki

Corki flying through space.
Fly Corki, fly! Image via Riot Games

If you’re constantly staying up-to-date on the least-played characters in League of Legends, seeing Corki here should be no surprise. The Daring Bombardier currently holds a terrible 46.63 percent and is a mid-laner League players are avoiding like the plague.

He’s had a slight resurgence in professional League, but this hasn’t seen his popularity shoot up whatsoever. A perennial member of this list, it’ll take something special for Corki to join the good books.

7) Taric

Taric resting with his left hand on his left knee, and right hand rested on his mace.
All that workout for nothing. Image via Riot Games

Taric was everywhere in season 13, from the lowly silver rank right up to the World Championship stage—and as a result, Riot decided it was time for him to be knocked down a peg. His 52.57 percent win rate says otherwise, but Taric remains incredibly unpopular as many support champs fill the roll better right now.

6) Heimerdinger

heimerdinger base skin league of legends
At least he’s getting banned. Image via Riot Games

Heimerdinger has fizzled below the magic 50 percent win rate mark but is the most-banned champ in this list, which, when combined, means he’s well short of leaving the bottom 10 for most-played. His turrets were nerfed in season 13, and despite a slight buff at the start of season 14, he hasn’t found his place in the meta yet.

5) Ryze

Ryze from League of Legends zombie skin. He has glowing eyes and scars across his body, conjuring a green spell in his right hand.
The Rune Mage lacks a bit of magic. Image via Riot Games

Ryze is similar to Heimerdinger but without the same ban rate. Sporting a dismal 48.2 percent win rate, the Rune Mage has barely been touched by Riot, but who can blame the devs—with so few players giving Ryze a spin, there’s little data to determine his effectiveness.

4) Kennen

Kennen throwing a dagger in the arctic.
Kennen needs a bit of a refresh. Image via Riot Games

Everything about Kennen feels mediocre: A 49.01 percent win rate sees the Heart of the Tempest sit middle of the pack, but players are bored without any major design or skill changes. There was a fleeting moment where we saw Kennen poke his head out on the pro stage late in 2023, but otherwise, the top-laner simply can’t compete with the rest.

3) Ivern

Ivern makes sure new life is born in the forrest.
Too tough to learn. Image via Riot Games

Combining difficult mechanics with an unpopular role was never going to equal a top-pick champ, so it’s no surprise we see Ivern here on our list. At times, he’s been in worse spots, and with a 51.28 percent win rate this season, he’s certainly competitive.

But a combination of better and more interesting champs to choose from, plus a tough learning curve, means Ivern dwells in our top three once more.

2) Ziggs

Ziggs throwing a bomb in League of Legends.
Ziggs is underrated. Image via Riot Games

Like Ivern (but definitely not as bad), Ziggs has a slight learning curve when it comes to landing his spells, which really are do-or-die. But the rest of his kit is quite strong and he remains an underrated pick across several positions.

His ability to flex into the mid lane and as an ADC makes him quite versatile, but his lack of crowd control in the current meta where CC is king and his lack of popularity has meant he’s slid further down the list. Seriously though, definitely give Ziggs a try in your next game—he deserves better than this.

1) Skarner

The League of Legends champion Skarner in an underground tunnel surrounded by large crystals.
The scorpion’s getting a makeover. Image via Riot Games

Poor Skarner. He’s been a regular on this list for a long time, but we’ve never seen him quite as bad as he is right now, registering a 47.33 percent win rate across all ranks. But unlike the bulk of this list, he has a reason to be unpopular.

Skarner’s rework, which sees a complete overhaul of everyone’s favorite scorpion, will arrive in early April 2024. Between a new set of skills and many players keen to try Skarner out again, he’ll shoot off this list as soon as the rework goes live. With any luck, he won’t be back here for a while.

Image of Mateusz Miter
Mateusz Miter
Freelance Writer at Dot Esports. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.
Image of Davide Xu
Davide Xu
Davide is a League expert with nearly 10 years of experience and knowledge. Once a young talent that wanted to go pro, he now enjoys talking about the game and competitive scene. @Dovi_X on Twitter
Image of Nicholas Taifalos
Nicholas Taifalos
Weekend editor for Dot Esports. Nick, better known as Taffy, began his esports career in commentary, switching to journalism with a focus on Oceanic esports, particularly Counter-Strike and Dota. Email: