2 LoL junglers with high crowd control dominated LCS Spring Split’s final run to playoffs

"I will not hide behind another shield."

Image via Riot Games

Season 13 has been quite eventful in League of Legends, with many champions being nerfed and buffed. Others have received game-breaking adjustments and yet are still dominating the Rift and the Howling Abyss, despite those direct nerfs.

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Throughout the 2023 LCS Spring Split, we’ve seen some pro players adjust their champion pools to suit changing patches, while others have stuck with comfort picks despite their poor win rates.

With the many jungle changes that have been rolled out this season, we’ve seen a few champions that have consistently been chosen throughout the split, like Vi and Sejuani.

Having tough champions like Vi and Sejuani who can tank and have some form of sustain is essential, especially in pro play As they both have crowd control abilities, they can affect their opponent’s ability to move, attack, cast spells, or even reduce items to a varying degree, which, during team fights, can make or break a game.

What makes these two jungle picks interesting is they haven’t received any direct buffs or nerfs so far this season. Generally, when a champion gets buffed, they’ll be played more; if they’re nerfed, they’ll be played less.

But because Vi and Sejuani haven’t received any direct changes, the consistency in which they’re either banned or picked each week, and their respective 57.6 and 50 percent win rates during the LCS Spring Split, may be slightly confusing until you factor in champions like Zeri.

Zeri has received changes and is quite a popular pick for teams. However, Vi and Sejuani are great counters for Zeri, and many of the priority marksman picks, making them a crucial part of the counter team’s composition.

In Week 8 in particular, Vi’s presence soared, according to League stats site Gol.gg. She was banned three times and picked six. However, she only won two of those games. Per the same stats, Sejuani was banned once, picked six times, and won three of those games.

With their above-average win rates across the LCS Spring Split, Vi and Sejuani seem to be great picks against some of the game’s most formidable marksmen, and we’ll surely see them again during the LCS Spring Split Playoffs.

Just don’t tell Jankos that Sejuani is coming back as an option.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.