
A Day of Sweeps: EU LCS Week 5, Day 2 Recap

Team Vitality had another roster change and were put to the test against Misfits, while H2k-Gaming and Giants Gaming duked it out to close out the day.

Team Vitality had another roster change and were put to the test against Misfits, while H2k-Gaming and Giants Gaming duked it out to close out the day.

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Here is how week 5, day 2 of the EU LCS went down:

(5-1) Misfits 2-0 Team Vitality (1-5)

MSF had a clear advantage in map control, objectives and gold from the beginning of the game. A slow and methodical deconstruction of VIT left them hiding in their base at the 20-minute mark before a kill had even been secured. Around 28 minutes in, MSF had an engage they liked and finally secured first blood. VIT found a kill for themselves, but that didn’t stop MSF from their slow takedown of VIT’s base. Despite many mistakes made on the side of MSF, VIT was too far behind to get any sort of footing. Not long after MSF secured an Elder Drake and Baron, they took down the nexus to take game one.

Right off the bat, VIT secured first blood and took the early advantage. Luckily for MSF, they had a very strong team with Rengar and Camille. Both were making plays around the map, whether that meant getting objectives or kills, which kept MSF alongside VIT. After the first few skirmishes, the game slowed down to a crawl as both teams traded towers back and forth. A few picks left VIT hurting, as MSF rocketed into the lead through objectives. Despite the strong early showing from VIT, they were helpless in the wake of Rengar and Camille. MSF took game two to win the series.

(5-2) H2k-Gaming 2-0 Giants Gaming (1-5)

After two very early ganks from H2K’s jungler Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski, GIA’s Na “NighT” Gun-woo was forced to flash. Coming for a counter-gank, Jonas “Memento” Elmarghichi scored a double kill to shut H2K’s lead down. Jankos and Memento were the ones making plays around the map for each team, getting kills and objectives where they could. Every teamfight was dead even, with no team gaining a clear advantage over the other. After two picks in the late game, H2K secured a Baron and aced GIA, giving them enough of an advantage to start winning fights. With a clear power advantage, H2K had no trouble taking down GIA and winning game one.

Immediately, six players met in the top lane in a battle of trading kills, with H2K coming out with a clear advantage. GIA, however, found multiple picks around the map thanks to Camille’s strong mobility to even out the game. Thanks to Jankos and his strong lead on Graves, H2K were given enough room to catch out GIA members across the map. Even Maokai was chopped down in the wake of H2K, as they methodically shut out GIA. A Baron bait gave H2K free reign to destroy GIA and take down the base to win the series.

What was your favorite moment of the day? Let us know by tweeting us @GAMURScom.
