
All-Stars 2016: NA Dominates LPL

The last game of the day pit the LPL’s All-Stars against North America, with both Team Fire and Team Ice tied in points.

The last game of the day pit the LPL’s All-Stars against North America, with both Team Fire and Team Ice tied in points. Here is how it went down:

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                          LPL                                      NA

TOP:                 Mouse-Maokai                       Impact-Nautilus

JNG:                 ClearLove-Rengar                  Reignover-Rek’Sai

MID:                  We1less-Oriana                      Bjergsen-Cassiopeia

ADC:                 Uzi-Caitlyn                              Doublelift-Jhin

SUP:                  Mata-Karma                           Aphromoo-Sona

BANS:              Ryze/Le Blanc/Syndra           Poppy/Zyra/Evelynn

After settling into lanes, it was apparent that NA had the goal of outlasting the early game. With strong late-game picks, like Jhin and Cass, they had a much higher chance to win the late game. LPL was well aware of this fact and hit Jung “Impact” Eon-yeong with a level two gank for a quick first blood.

Not even seven minutes in, every member of the LPL squad had a CS lead and complete control of their lane, but this was expected looking at NA’s dodgy early game. Despite LPL’s dominant presence in the early game, a failed tower dive from Ming “ClearLove” Kai left NA with four kills. 

Shortly after, the momentum switched into NA’s favor, as the team’s overall map presence and rotations outclassed the LPL All-Stars at every turn. Knowing that they had a clear-cut advantage over the LPL, NA made a bold play to pinch the LPL players, effectively splitting their own team. But, they came out on top, which grew their lead even more.

Full steam ahead, NA cut off the LPL squad at every turn, which gave them no chance to take advantage of their wombo-combo. After a strong team-fight, which resulted in a triple for Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, NA took the Nexus just before the 30-minute mark, giving Team Fire a 100 point advantage over Team Ice.

What were your thoughts on this match? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.  
