
More Details About CWL Stages, Anaheim, CoD Championship, $3.1 Million Total on the Line

A lot of information was just released about what fans and players can expect throughout the rest of the 2017 season of the CWL.

The upcoming Call of Duty LAN League just got more interesting.

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MLG Atlanta started out with a bang, as the CWL dumped news about the upcoming stages for CWL, as well as information about the Call of Duty World Championship. In terms of dollars, over $3.1 million will be given out from the end of Stage One to the Call of Duty World Championship in August.

Starting with the CWL Lan League stages, both Stage One and Stage Two will have $700,000 in prizing for teams, with $200,000 distributed at the end of the season and $500,000 given out to teams in the play-off stage.

Image via CWL

As for both stages, the full dates for the CWL LAN League were also released, as well as the structure. There are four groups with four teams in each group, who will play each other in a round robin tournament. The bottom team in each group will be subject to relegation, the third place team will hold their spot, and the top two teams will head to the playoffs.

Image via CWL

As for Stage Two, qualification will be based on pro points as of June 1, which will be before CWL Anaheim. Four teams will qualify, and will play the bottom four teams in Stage One the day before CWL Anaheim.

Image via CWL
Image via CWL

For CWL Anaheim, there will be a relegation before the tournament itself, and will have all Stage Two Pro League teams in pool play. It will also include an All-Star Game, similar to that at the Stage Two Finals last year.

If teams are unable to qualify for the World League via the two stages of play, there will be three last chance qualifiers, with one for each region. This will allow 16 teams to fill out a full 32 team championship as the final event of the CWL Infinite Warfare life cycle.

Finally, preliminary details on the World League Championship were announced, with 32 teams competing for $1.5 million in August, and a $25,000 MVP award will be given out to the best player at the event.

Image via CWL

CWL also revealed that MLG Dallas will be the official roster lock for Stage One, and teams who want to play in that stage will have to attend the event in order to play.

If this information is already too much for you, here is the full schedule for the rest of the year:

The full schedule for the rest of the CWL, courtesy of the MLG Stream

For all your Call of Duty and other esports updates, make sure you are following us on Twitter, @GAMURScom.

James Mattone is a journalist for GAMURS and can be contacted on Twitter –@TheJamesMattone.

Images via CWL
