
The Best Stay The Best: EU LCS Week 4, Day 3 Recap

H2k-Gaming and G2 Esports prove why they are near the top of the standings.

A look at a Best-centric Midrange Hunter list that puts an aggressive spin on the classic deck.

Two tops teams took on two teams at the bottom of the pack, and the results were easy to predict.

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Here is how Week 4, Day 3 of the EU LCS went down:

(4-2) H2k-Gaming 2-0 Team ROCCAT (0-5)

Despite being behind in kills for most of the game, H2K managed to keep a gold lead due to their great map pressure and macro play. H2K transitioned their gold lead into a baron, drakes and multiple turrets. Taking advantage of their poke/siege team composition (Varus/Corki/Malzahar), H2K starved ROC until they had a large enough lead to close out game one after 33 minutes.

A strong early lead made H2K poised to take the series, but they became too cocky and gave ROC some ground to fight for map control. ROC didn’t take advantage of the opportunity given to them by H2K, however, and kept taking odd fights that made them lose out on objectives around the map. The first fight ROC won gave them legroom to go head-to-head against H2K and bring the game to an even standpoint. In usual European fashion, H2K sealed the game with an aggressive all-in fight to take the series 2-0.

(6-0) G2 Esports 2-0 Origen (0-5)

Origen failed to take advantage of any of G2’s small mistakes, resulting in them falling behind very early. Before 20 minutes passed, Origen was already behind by 11,000 gold and had zero presence on the map. G2 had free reign to take objectives with no fear of dying. Not long after, G2 closed out game one with a 20-0 lead in kills.

On an upward trend compared to last game, Origen scored first blood, but their happiness was very short-lived. G2 immediately reacted to take the lead, and never looked back. Once they had the lead, G2 made quick work of Origen like they did in game one. G2 proved once again why they are the top team in the EU LCS, leaving Origen in last place in their group.

What was your favorite moment of the day? Let us know by tweeting us @GAMURScom.
