
Ups and Downs: League’s New Client

After six strong years of the same client, Riot has decided that it is finally time for an upgrade. Of course, with any big change, there are bound to be downsides.

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After six strong years of the same client, Riot has decided that it is finally time for an upgrade. Of course, with any big change, there are bound to be downsides. After playing around with the new client for a few weeks, I have come up with my opinion on whether or not it is time to make the change.

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The Pros

  • The new client is gorgeous, while still keeping the same feel as the old client.

  • Very reminiscent of the Korean client, which looks very different from the other clients.
  • Much more in-depth information is provided about your account and recent games, letting you see exactly where you might have went wrong in your last game or what your recent patterns are.
  • A replay system that allows you to download your games and watch them.
  • Organized private messages so you no longer have to keep a million tabs open on the bottom.
  • A “report bug” button so you can finally gripe with Riot about what is broken.
  • A working “Patch Notes” page so you can always keep up to date on what is new as opposed to having to look it up elsewhere.

The Cons

  • Still very buggy, often crashing or refusing to respond.

  • Has an interesting bug where it won’t let you change your masteries and sends you in game with none at all.
  • Your client settings don’t carry over from the old client to the new one.
  • Can be a little difficult to get used to since most things look really different, despite being the same general thing.
  • You lose the nostalgic feel of the old client, which many people have grown accustomed too.
  • The tabs can take a while to load on slower internet speeds the first time through.


Riot has finally started to listen to the community and gave us what we wanted: replays. Aside from that, most of the other changes are quality-of-life and aesthetic changes that will help the average player get accustomed to the client.

Most of the downsides will hopefully be fixed soon since the client is still in beta. Let’s hope that this new client continues to improve, so when it is released for everyone, we won’t have a massive backlash from the community.

What do you think of the new client? Would you rather stick with the classic? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or tweet us @GAMURScom.

What are your opinions on the new alpha client? Tell me by contacting me on Twitter @iEnglishBetter. Have a business inquiry? You can email me at ienglishbetter@outlook.com.
