
Why is voice chat in League of Legends a bad idea?

Most of the MOBA games today have voice chat options in their games, and the question why Riot doesn’t do the same thing is regularly passing through our minds. The question is, do we deserve voice chat?

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Most of the MOBA games today have voice chat options in their games, and the question why Riot doesn’t do the same thing is regularly passing through our minds. Most of us get mad and think of Riot’s employees as ineffective and uptight. But, think through it again. Yes, the game hasn’t been this unbalanced since forever, but could we really say Riot is ineffective? The answer is simple – no.

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Verbal harassment is something we meet with almost every game, so often that we almost don’t see it until it gets too much. Only a small percent of League of Legends players actually notice how flaming can affect your team players and understand that it’s not much different from real life bullying. Just take a detailed look at your next soloq/duoq game. Try to get in the skin of the person who is getting flamed at, no matter his/hers performance that game. Trolling is one thing, and it’s obvious, but we all really do have bad games, and no, flaming won’t make me play any better. It will do the quite opposite, tho.

The good thing about “normal” chat is that you can literally ignore it. Not just press the ignore button, because, let’s face it, you can lose much not knowing what your team is up to, but you can focus on the game and not read chat at all until you don’t think it’s needed. Also, people don’t like to press the ignore button and pretend like nothing has happened. We always want to fight back, that’s a fact, and it’s completely understandable.

League of legends community is the biggest gaming community in the world and dealing with so much flame is much harder than we think it is. We’re going into 6th season of the game and we yet face abusers regularly. Our report system has never been enough to fix the issue because it is simply widespread. Now, imagine that community yelling at each other through voice chat. Imagine 12 y/o children raging about your family loud enough you just can’t ignore it. That’s why we can’t have voice chat. We don’t deserve it.

Source: Ask.fm

The game must primary be about respecting your teammates, and our community is doing that job pretty bad. In addition, I don’t want to hear your voice before you learn to respect me. So, once again, no, Riot employees are not ineffective. They just know us better than we do.