Overwatch fans agree ‘serial quitters’ must be punished with CoD-style toxicity queue

Not a bad idea at all.

Lucio Jumping in Overwatch 2
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch 2 player base has today decided Call of Duty’s long-standing punishment of lumping “serial quitters” together might fix issues plaguing quick play and competitive games.

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By placing quitters with other like-minded leavers, fans say, the respectable and polite Overwatch players can go about their day-to-day matches in peace. There’s one big upside, they explained: no gamers would have to fear an absentee teammate banishing them to an unfair matchup and losing eventually rank points.

The fans put their heads together on Reddit on May 28, searching for a satisfying way to punish the worst kind of teammate. For those who’ve dipped their toes into the CoD series, the punishment plan they came up with wouldn’t be foreign.

CoD employs a shadow-ban system to place cheaters with other cheaters. This strategy has sometimes punished the rule-following gamer alongside usual CoD cheaters—there have been multiple accounts of innocent players thrust into the foul depths of the cheating landscape—but Overwatch players think that’s enough of a sacrifice.

In particular, Overwatch gamers liked the idea of a “leaver’s queue”, while others suggested merely notifying the leaver in question that their team won their game would be enough—without giving the leaver the points for winning.

The issue with placing frequent leavers with other game-dodgers is unlucky players with glitchy games might get a raw deal. For months, there have been reports of servers crashing, and not only for Overwatch either.

If issues like this end up sending players into the darkest regions of OW, the sequel will likely lose some disgruntled gamers along the way.

Players settled on one conclusion: this strategy could be an effective way to finally eliminate one of the worst kinds of teammates, but it has to be executed perfectly.

Image of Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it. Ranks are private information. Contact harry@dotesports.com