Gosu.AI is using artificial intelligence to make you a better player

We spoke with the development team for Gosu.AI on how they plan to change the way we coach.

Image via Gosu.AI

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With the growth of the industry, improvements are being made across all aspects of esports—from developing healthy habits, to fine-tuning audio so that we don’t damage our ears. Now, Gosu.AI is working to make the hours spent analyzing gameplay a thing of the past.

The Gosu.AI software assists players who want to play smarter and improve their skills through a detailed analysis of matches. The platform also offers personal recommendations that allow you to focus on the skills you truly need.

We spoke to the Gosu.AI team about their platform, upcoming releases, and how they can help you improve.

AI software in esports is a hot topic, what made you decide to start building a coaching AI system? 
Competitive games are all about victory. To win consistently, you have to improve skill continually as well. A personal coach has always been the best way to increase your progress. Modern technologies help to automate that coach, making them more useful and effective.

How does it all work? 
The interaction between the service and a user is quite simple.

  • Firstly, the user gets the formative evaluation of his skill.
  • Then the AI determines weak and strong sides of the player by analyzing every game he has played before.
  • The next step is when the user receives a detailed post-match analysis with personal pieces of advice.

In conclusion, the system generates a target list. By pursuing the goals, a player’s skill is growing.

What kind of analysis can we expect from Gosu.AI?
Based on an enormous amount of data we receive, including the way you move your mouse, Gosu.AI analysis is not a set of numbers or stats. We try to find the root cause that led to a particular result. Our platform is unique because no other service can track it, analyze and provide the user with info.

You currently coach across Dota 2, PUBG and, CS:GO. Will more games be added in the future?
Of course, it will! Our global target is to create a service where users can observe their success in games they currently play. Now Gosu.AI focuses on competitive games. Speaking in general, we are GOSU DATA LAB, a place where you can find all the required information about any player.  This can be useful both for business and the average user. So welcome, our platform has answers to any questions.

Who benefits most from using Gosu.AI? Beginners or professionals?
Well, we carried out several surveys and discovered that both beginners and pro players found our service useful.

For the beginners, it’s quite clear. We help them to improve their skill, developing a comprehensive approach.  They start with the fundamental things and then move on to the desired level.

Speaking about pro players, it’s different. According to our data, Pro players with vast experience start focusing on macro gaming, while micro control takes a back seat. Let’s take a look at Dota 2.

We can count how many seconds a user wastes on clicking the mouse instead of using hotkeys. You may suggest a few seconds doesn’t make any impact on a game. It’s entirely true for a newbie, but not for a pro gamer. They have to use every second to analyze the situation, develop a strategy, cast spells, buy the items and the like things.

Do you have a community? Where can people go to ask questions?
We consider ourselves community-based developers. Everything that is about to be released is being discussed with the community and pro gamers beforehand. You can rate every section of our service on the website or leave feedback on Facebook, Discord, Twitter, Instagram or VK. We are open to dialogue and criticism.

What is your best success story, have you had anyone go pro after using Gosu.AI yet? How many players have you coached so far?
There are about 500,000 people who have used our service, and the tendency is their win rate is higher than others have. It is the best success story we can imagine.

What does the future hold for Gosu.AI?
We want to become a second screen for a user. No matter what game you play, with GOSU.AI you can become the best. We’d like to provide users with helpful info before/during/after any game they play.

Where can we sign up? 
Just go to the Gosu.AI website. Our service is free to use. Gosu.AI-Play smarter!

Image of Aiden Hiko
Aiden Hiko
ANZ esports fan. Self-confessed Ice Coffee addict. Not farming Ashes of Al'ar anymore because it dropped last week.