How to play Skye in VALORANT: Abilities, ultimate, and tips

She does a little bit of everything.

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Skye, the Australian initiator agent in VALORANT, is one of the game’s most effective info-gatherers and disruptors. Her ability kit is designed to seek out enemy players and disrupt them with concussive blasts and flashbangs, while also providing her own team a little bit of extra support.

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Her kit makes her a prime candidate for kicking off a push onto a spike site on the attack site, and she’s exceptionally viable at slowing the other team down when defending the site from attackers or defending the site post-plant from a retake.

Whether you’re a new VALORANT player or just new to Skye, we’ve got the details you need on all her abilities and how to use them.

Trailblazer (Q)

Equipping and firing the Trailblazer will summon a Tasmanian tiger that you can control and use to run at an enemy, while Skye stays safe around a corner. When the tiger leaps forward, it sends out a concussive blast that disorients the target for anywhere between 2.5 to four seconds. If it contacts an enemy during the leap, it will deal an additional 30 damage.

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How to use Trailblazer

Trailblazer is best used for flushing enemies out of corners. Even if the concussive blast doesn’t hit an opponent, Skye can see through the Trailblazer and relay information about enemy positioning to the team. Skye players should make sure they’re in a safe spot before casting; taking damage while using Trailblazer cancels the ability.

Guiding Light (E)

Once fired, the Guiding Light hawk is released by Skye, and holding down fire sends the hawk toward whatever target you have in your crosshair. Re-using the trinket makes the hawk turn into a flash bang that also gives insight on any opponent within range of it. The flash blinds opponents for a max of two seconds, and Skye give an audio cue if an enemy is blinded.

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How to use Guiding Light

Guiding Light is perhaps Skye’s most effective info-gathering tool. It has incredible range, can blind opponents, informs Skye of enemy presence, and is one of the hardest abilities of its kind to be destroyed in advance.

Regrowth (C)

By holding down the fire button with the trinket equipped, Skye will heal all allies in her line of sight. Any terrain that gets between Skye and allies will block the healing, and allies must be within 18 meters. But she can heal up to 100 points of health per ally. She cannot heal herself.

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How to use Regrowth

Regrowth can provide a ton of usage to any team. An entire team can play for picks, and can heal themselves up after taking initial damage early in the round. It also allows the team to play more aggressively on site executes, since they can push through damaging defensive utility and still be healed after making it onto site.

Seekers (X)

When Skye fires her Seekers trinket, three “seeker” drones spawn and begin flying toward the three closest players from the enemy team. Along with giving massive amounts of intel, the ability near-sights the enemy if it gets to them without being shot out of the air.

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How to use Seekers

Like Skye’s other abilities, her Seekers ultimate is most effective when used on site executes, post-plant scenarios, and retake attempts. Even if the seeker is destroyed, it should give players a good idea of where enemies are. When combined with other agents’ utility, it has a stronger chance of detonating and near-sighting an opponent.

Image of Max Miceli
Max Miceli
Senior Staff Writer. Max graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a journalism and political science degree in 2015. He previously worked for The Esports Observer covering the streaming industry before joining Dot where he now helps with Overwatch 2 coverage.
Image of Scott Robertson
Scott Robertson
VALORANT lead staff writer, also covering CS:GO, FPS games, other titles, and the wider esports industry. Watching and writing esports since 2014. Previously wrote for Dexerto, Upcomer, Splyce, and somehow MySpace. Jack of all games, master of none.