Best Baron Rivendare build in Warcraft Rumble

He's too OP not to have as your leader.

Baron Rivendare and the other undead minis in Warcraft Rumble
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Baron Rivendare, the Bane of the Scarlet Crusade, is one of the best leaders in Warcraft Rumble. Moreover, he’s versatile and can be built to dominate in both PvE and PvP matches. However, he does have a few disadvantages that can be mitigated by ensuring he has the best build.

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Here’s our best build for Baron Rivendare in Warcraft Rumble.

Warcraft Rumble: Best Baron Rivendare build

The best build for Baron Rivendare in Warcraft Rumble revolves around understanding his traits, leader ability, and weaknesses and choosing the best talent and teammates to mitigate his disadvantages.

Baron Rivendare traits, leader ability, and weaknesses in Warcraft Rumble

Baron Rivendare's traits in Warcraft Rumble
Baron Rivendare is the ultimate Undead leader. Images via Blizzard Entertainment

The Baron is a powerful, undead leader who has the traits Tank, Armored, Elemental, and Fast. His Leader Ability is called Army of the Dead, and his weakness is Squad Units, which means the following:

  • Traits:
    • Tank: This means he has high health and can tank a lot of damage, especially from towers.
    • Armored: He takes 50 percent less physical damage.
    • Elemental: He deals elemental damage and is strong against armored enemies.
    • Fast: He has the fastest-moving units. So, if you need to get to a tower quickly or to save your teammates, deploy him, and he’ll get there before you know it.
  • Leader ability:
    • Army of the Dead: Baron Rivendare will occasionally summon Skeletons at the buildings you control.
  • Weakness:
    • Squad units: Squad units, as the name suggests, are a group of enemies who can deal damage, and they are strong against One-Target attack minis, like the Baron.
      • If you aren’t sure, squad units include enemy groups like Angry Chickens, Vultures, Raptors, Spiderlings, Skeletons, Defias Bandits, Murloc Tidehunters, and Skeleton Parties.

Baron Rivendare is tanky, fast, takes less physical damage, and can summon skeletons. But his weakness is packs of enemies.

Best talent for Baron Rivendare in Warcraft Rumble

Baron Rivendare best talent Warcraft Rumble
The Baron is one of the S-tier minis in Warcraft Rumble. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Like all minis, Baron Rivendare has three talents available to him. Chill of the Grave is the best talent for Baron Rivendare because it means the Baron can effectively act as a tank and a damage dealer, and all of his summoned mages can stay safely behind him and whittle away at the enemy’s health bars. So, it’s super-effective and incredibly overwhelming, which is excellent in PvE and PvP situations.

The three talents are ranked as follows:

  1. (Best) Chill of the Grave: He summons Skeletal Mages instead of Warriors.
  2. Death Pact: You will periodically sacrifice a nearby Skeleton to heal the Baron.
  3. (Avoid) Skeletal Frenzy: All nearby allied Skeletons gain Bloodlust, which means they gain an additional 33 percent movement and attack speed.

Best PvP and PvE Baron Rivendare deck build in Warcraft Rumble

Gargoyle mini from Warcraft Rumble
The Gargoyle is available in the Undead P.A.C.K. Images via Blizzard Entertainment

The best Baron Rivendare build in Warcraft Rumble can be used in PvP and PvE because it’s highly versatile and oppressive. For this build, you’ll need the following minis:

  • Baron Rivendare (Cost: Four)
  • Ghoul (Cost: Two): They’re tanky but weak against squad units. Avoid going into lanes solo, especially if multiple enemies are in that lane. It’s best to send them with those who are strong against squad units.
  • Quilboar (Cost: Two) It takes less elemental damage and can be played anywhere on the map, but it’s also weak against squad units. If you take his best Talent, Tunnel Vision, you can deploy them much more quickly. This can be helpful in situations where you need to slow down an enemy or help push a lane faster.
  • Harpies (Cost: Three): This is a squad unit, so the group of Harpies can overwhelm on-target minis, but they’re weak against AoE. Harpies are best sent after tanks or melee minis for safe farming.
  • Necromancer (Cost: Four) Great against armored units and can summon minions. This is great if you’re looking to dominate a lane. But it’s weak against squad units.
  • Gargoyle (Cost: Four): They’re tanky and deal extra damage to siege towers. So, if you want a quick way to dominate a lane, use the Gargoyle, take control of the tower, and start deploying minis from there.
  • Blizzard (Cost: 4): This is a great AoE spell to take out clumps of enemies. And it can help slow down their attack and movement speed, which means it can also be helpful to slow down those fast units.

Gargoyle is a mini players can purchase via the Undead bundle.

Deployment strategies and tips

Jaina and the Huntress charging into battle in Warcraft Rumble.
Your minis with the most health should be deployed first. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

When deploying your minis in Warcraft Rumble, there are a few things you can do to ensure your minis stay alive longer and aren’t killed as soon as they hit the map, including:

  1. Deploy melee or tank minis before you deploy your ranged minis. That way, your minis with the most health are taking the brunt of the damage, and your ranged minis can safely attack the enemy.
  2. Deploy your Baron and Gargoyle (or Huntress) together to push a lane. They’re tanky, fast, and can take control of towers much more quickly than other minis.
  3. Ensure you have another mini or squad deployed after your Baron and Gargoyle duo, like Ghouls or Skeletons and Harpies. They can help deal damage while your tanks tank the incoming damage.
  4. Use your map-wide minis (those that can be deployed anywhere) to help steal chests or slow down an incoming horde.
  5. Read over your mini’s information. Ensure you know what they’re strong against and weak against, and choose the best Talents to help them succeed.

Mini and spell replacement options

S.A.F.E. Pilot on the left and Whelp Egg on the right from Warcraft Rumble
S.A.F.E. Pilot and Whelp Egg are excellent alternatives. Screenshot by Dot Esports

You may need alternatives, as some minis and spells can only be obtained by purchasing bundles or single minis from the store. Or you may not have unlocked them via the campaign just yet.

If you need an AoE alternative, you can use any of the following minis or spells:

  • S.A.F.E Pilot can be deployed anywhere on the map, taking out a large group of mobs or attacking the boss directly.
  • Huntress as she can also deal devastating AoE damage. She’s also fast and deals ranged damage, and with her best talent, Elven Might, she deals more damage to her initial target.
  • Chain Lighting is effective in dealing damage to multiple targets almost simultaneously. And if you have the best talent, Brilliant Flash, you can stun enemies for one second, which is enough time for your other minis to whittle away at the rest of an enemy’s health bar.

And if you need a Squad alternative, you can use Whelp Eggs. These eggs can be dropped anywhere on the map, and if you have their best talent, Flame Burst, they’ll also damage nearby enemies as they’re hatching.

If you don’t have Gargoyle on your team, you can use the following minis as an alternative:

  • An excellent tank alternative is Grommash Hellscream.
  • Or you can take a tank and siege damage mini like the Molten Giant.

Baron Rivendare is an incredible Undead leader in the Warcraft Rumble meta, and with this build, you’ll become almost unstoppable.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.