Warcraft Rumble Leaders tier list

There are two OP Leaders in the meta.

An image of a character from Warcraft Rumble
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

In Warcraft Rumble, there are 69 minis you can unlock and use to battle players, dungeons, quests, and the campaign. The ones considered the core mini are known as the leaders—and not all these leaders are considered S-tier, so ensuring you use the best leaders is crucial to winning.

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Warcraft Rumble: All Leaders tier list

All Warcraft Rumble leaders ranked from s to d tier
Always avoid the D-tier Leaders. Images via Blizzard and Tierlist Maker

In Warcraft Rumble, there are 14 Leaders from various factions with different traits, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. They can ranked from S-tier to D-tier based on how good they are and how well they synergize with other minis.

  • S-tier: Baron Rivendare and Tirion Fordring.
  • A-tier: Hogger, Rend Blackhand, and Grommash Hellscream.
  • B-tier: Cairne Bloodhoof, Sneed, General Drakkisath, and Sylvanas Windrunner.
  • C-tier: Old Murk-Eye, Maiev Shadowsong, and Jaina Proudmoon.
  • D-tier: Bloodmage Thalnos and Charlga Razorflank.

S-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble

Baron Rivendare's traits in Warcraft Rumble
The Baron is one of the best Leaders in Warcraft Rumble. Images via Blizzard Entertainment

There are two Leaders in Warcraft Rumble ranked S-tier: Baron Rivendare and Tirion Fordring. These two are the best in the meta and are considered over-powered.

Baron RivendareAn Undead leader who deals one-target melee damage. He’s also tanky and can take a lot of tower damage; he’s fast, takes 50 percent less Physical damage, and summons minions periodically from the towers. So, if you’re looking for a tanky powerhouse for your undead army, this is the Leader for you. The Baron is my preferred Leader, and I’ve found great success in using his best builds and decks in both PvE and PvP situations.
Tirion FordringA one-hit melee mini with the tank and armored traits like the Baron. However, what’s great about Tirion is he is also a healer, which means he can heal your nearby friendly minis. This can be game-changing when you’re stacked against mobs or fighting against tough seige minis or towers. If you want to build the best Alliance team, Tirion is the Leader.

A-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble

Hogger howling in Warcraft Rumble
Hogger is a great Beast Leader and gets stronger throughout the fight. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Hogger, Rend Blackhand, and Grommash Hellscream are the three A-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble.

HoggerA Beast leader who deals Area of Effect (AoE) melee damage and has the tank trait, which means he can tank much damage. What’s fun about Hogger is that he gains 35 percent more attack speed and movement every time he’s played. So, he only gets faster and stronger as you deploy him.
Grommash HellscreamA Horde Leader who deals one-target melee damage and has the tank trait. But where this mini differs is with its Bloodlust trait, which means it gains 33 percent movement and attack speed. And it’s leadership trait grants Bloodlust to all nearby friendly units. So, a Horde team with this Leader can be oppressive.
Rend BlackhandA Blackrock Leader who specializes in AoE damage and is a flying type. He also deals elemental damage, which is strong against the armored trait. If you want to create a team with other flying types, he might be your leader, as your other Flying troops will cost one less gold when he’s in play. So, you’ll save gold and can deploy more minis.

B-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble

Sneed's card after leveling up in Warcraft Rumble
Sneed is a decent choice against siege towers. Images via Blizzard Entertainment

Cairne Bloodhoof, Sneed, General Drakkisath, and Sylvanas Windrunner are the four B-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble, which means they’re average. So, if you can, create a team with either the S-tier Leaders or if that’s not possible, the A-tier ones.

Cairne BloodhoofThe Tauren Chieftan is a Horde Leader who deals AoE melee damage, has the tank trait, and his attacks stun his enemies. And with his leadership ability, all the Horde teammates will get 20 percent more health. He’s a great Leader if you want a tanky Horde team.
SneedA Horder Leader who deals AoE melee damage and has the tank trait. He also takes 50 percent less physical damage and does more damage to siege towers. And you’ll gain two gold anytime you destroy a tower, open a chest, or capture a stone. He’s a good choice if you want a tanky team that can take towers.
General DrakkisathA Blackrock Leader and one-target melee damage dealer with the tank trait, is strong against armored enemies, deals Elemental damage, and takes 50 percent less Elemental damage. With his leadership ability, he forces enemies to take 50 percent more elemental damage, which means a team with him as the Leader is pretty balanced regarding damage, damage reduction, and health.
Sylvanas WindrunnerOne of the most popular characters in WoW lore, but sadly, she falls into the B-tier for Leaders in Warcraft Rumble. She’s an Undead leader who’s ranged and deals one-target damage. Even when she dies, she is helpful as she can summon a Banshee upon death. And all Horde and Undead minis gain 30 percent movement speed when they’re close to her.

C-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble

Jaina from Warcraft Rumble in the announcement trailer
It’s a shame Jaina’s talents and abilities don’t live up to her hype. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

The C-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble include Old Murk-Eye, Maiev Shadowsong, and Jaina Proudmoon. And these are the ones you should avoid until they receive buffs. Or if they’re the only Leaders you have.

Old Murk-EyeA Beast Leader who deals ranged, elemental AoE damage, and he’ll also summon a Murloc Tidehunter for every gold you’ve spent on other minis. Maieve Shadowsong is an Alliance Leader who deals AoE melee damage, can be played anywhere on the map, and remains invisible until it attacks, which is excellent if you want to launch a surprise attack.
Jaina ProudmoonA popular WoW character with the Alliance faction. She deals ranged, one-target damage, elemental damage, and frost damage that can slow an enemy’s attack and movement speed. And she can increase your Spells by three levels when she’s in play. But as you may not use spells, and it’s the luck of the draw, it’s not a reliable leadership ability.

D-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble

All the beast characters and leader in Warcraft Rumble
The D-tier Leaders are ones you should avoid altogether. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Finally, the D-tier Leaders in Warcraft Rumble include Bloodmage Thalnos and Charlga Razorflank, and these two should be avoided at all costs.

Bloodmage Thalnos An Undead Leader who deals ranged AoE damage; he deals elemental damage and is strong against armored enemies. He gains one level for every spell you use until he dies. But as he doesn’t have a lot of health, and because the mini draw is random, it’s hard to benefit from his leadership ability and the level boost.
Charlga RazorflankA Beast Leader dealing ranged, one-target damage, and also deals a percent of damage based on the enemy’s health, her attacks root enemies and immobilize them. However, she can only attack ground enemies, so she won’t attack flying ones, making your fights difficult.

There are 14 Leaders to choose from, but the S and A-tier ones are definitely the best to use in Warcraft Rumble.

Image of Hayley Andrews
Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.