Over my World of Warcraft career, I’ve heard of players making gold in countless unconventional ways, like selling teleports, playing the auction house, and even offering real-life services. But this one, where players make a living by assassinating other players, definitely takes the cake.
On Jan. 3, a player called Frisbee1313 on WoW’s subreddit reported that they opened an assassination service with their friends, and they’re making a profit from it. It’s quite simple—you give them the name of an Alliance player you want to see dead, the assassins do the deed, then they come back to collect the gold.
The team of assassins has quite a lot of work to do. First and foremost, they patiently wait until their target comes online. Once their name pops up, the hunt is on. The assassins’ methods depend whether their target starts in a capital city like Stormwind or ventures out into the wilds of Ashenvale. The band of assassins track down their target using the “/who” command, and only strike once they are in the same zone. To find the exact location of the unsuspecting victim, the assassins whisper them, asking for a group invite to, for example, change layers.
Most customers, according to the report, weren’t in it just for a simple kill and clearly wanted vengeance. So, the assassins are happy to fulfil individual requests like teabagging, hard-camping, emoting, or other griefing tactics. Naturally, all of this, including the hunting, griefing, and the kill itself, are recorded, and the video is delivered in a timely fashion to the customer.
Currently, this band of assassins has put their services on hold, and you can’t get a hired gun until phase two rolls out in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. I’m sure this will motivate other Season of Discovery players to start their own businesses, though.