From butchers to baristas, Helldivers 2 is the talk of this player’s town

Perhaps our world is slowly moving towards a Super Earth, too.

A group of four Helldivers carry various weapons, like assault rifles and missile launchers, in Helldivers 2.
Image via Arrowhead Studios

It is no secret Helldivers 2 has proven to be one of 2024’s (and gaming’s) biggest hits. Hundreds of thousands of players clock in daily to kill some bugs and bots. However, one player claims the game is so popular it “took over” their hometown—even the butcher’s shops.

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Reddit user Kaleon shared their story of Helldivers 2‘s popularity in an April 24 thread, where they claimed the game has completely taken over their real-life town. Everywhere they went, they heard of Super Earth’s greatness, including butcher’s shops, bars, and dog walkers passing by. They even claim they saw bumper stickers on a few cars, which goes to show just how powerful the magnetism of Managed Democracy truly is.

An airborne Helldiver aiming his weapon with an explosion in the background.
Can’t go wrong with Managed Democracy. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios

Tales of prosperity, liberty, and democracy appeared in many other places as well, as many players in the thread had their own stories to share. One user said that whenever they mentioned Helldivers 2, a random person approached them to say “that game is fucking awesome.” The misuse of the military-industrial complex’s expensive Strategems can also be heard of in your local supermarket, and one player claimed they heard employees talk of a player “using a 380mm Strategem, sending me to kingdom come.”

Remember: the more you speak of the glory of Super Earth and spread the enchanting word of Managed Democracy, the more breaks you’ll get from your Democratic Officer. Hell, it may even amount to a full minute! But don’t dally too long, as humanity needs you to cull the tyrannical Automatons and Terminids who so desperately wish to take away our right to vote.

Helldivers 2 is just one of many indie smash hits of 2024. Let’s just hope there will be more games and communities that spring up this year.

Image of Andrej Barovic
Andrej Barovic
Strategic Content Writer, English Major. Been in writing for 3 years. Focused mostly on the world of gaming as a whole, with particular interest in RPGs, MOBAs, FPS, and Grand Strategies. Favorite titles include Counter-Strike, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Sekrio, and Kenshi. Cormac McCarthy apologetic.