All Minis in Warcraft Rumble

Each have their unique ability.

Warcraft rumble leaders
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

Warcraft Rumble plays around with the tabletop game genre by calling the members of your team “Minis”, just like the 3D models you would place in a map. There are more than 65 Minis in the game, each with unique abilities.

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All Minis are part of one of the five armies: Alliance, Horde, Beast, Blackrock, and Undead. They all have unique characteristics and a set of leaders with special powers to lead your team to victory.

You can even download all Warcraft Rumble Minis blueprints for free on Blizzard’s website, so you can have them in real life, not just your phone.


You’ll find Minis focused on defense, healing, and stealth in the Alliance, plus a higher number of Spells. This army is led by three leaders: Tirion Fordring, Maiev Shadowsong, and Jaina Proudmoore.

Arcane Blast

Arcane Blast spell that looks like a blue and purple rune.
Double the elemental damage. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: One Gold.
  • Strong against: Armored.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


Blizzard spell that resembles hail.
The forecast predicts a blizzard. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Strong against: Armored.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Defias Bandits

A black haired bandit with a red cloth covering his face. He is wearig armor, leather gloves, read belt, and is one dagger in each hand.
You won’t see them coming. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: One Gold.
  • Trait: Stealth.
  • Weak against: Area damage.


A warrior soldier with a full set of silver and bule armor. He his holding a sword in one hand and a shield with a golden lion.
A squad of soldiers. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Trait: Tank.
  • Weak against: Area Damage.

Gryphon Rider

A blonde woman riding a gryphon. She is wearing leather armor, has blue painting on her face and is holing a hammer in one of her hands.
She looks so happy to battle. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Trait: Flier.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Harvest Golem

A orange golem that resembles a scarecrow, whith three woden stakes that look like a fence on his banck, and metal fingers.
The enemies will have to kill it twice. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Trait: Tank.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Holy Nova

Holy nova spell that looks like a yellow satr inside a blue liquid circle.
A great healing spell. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Strong against: Armored.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A pink elf with blue hair and purple armor. Her eyes are pale blue and she has long and thinh eyebrows that follow the lenght of hear long elf ears.
She is fast and she attacks from afar. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Trait: Fast.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina Proudmoore from the Warcraft franchise.
She’ll make all spell stronger. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Frost.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: Increases your Spells’ level by three.


A goblin-like figure with a green candle on its head and a rat tail, holding a pickaxe.
It is happy just to mine. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: One Gold.
  • Strong trait: Miner.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Maiev Shadowsong

Maiev Shadowsong from the Warcraft franchise.
The ultimate stealth. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Steath and Unbound.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Each Unbound troop reduces Maiev’s cost by one.


A dwarf with long grey beard, blue hat, shoulder armor, and a shotgun.
You’ll have to kill both the man and the bear. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee and Ranged.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Strong trait: Tank.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

S.A.F.E. Pilot

S.A.F.E. Pilot with pink ponytails piloting a orange airplane.
She isn’t afraid to let go of her airplane. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Unbound.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Tirion Fordring

Tirion Fordring from the Warcraft franchise.
He heals, he protects, and he attacks. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Armored, and Healer.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: Heals all nearby friendly units.


A werewolf-like creature with yellow eyes, grey fur, and huge claws.
It will ambush enemies. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Strong traits: Stealth and Unbound.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


Beasts are the animal Minis. Most Beast Minis are faster or can tank more damage than the other armies. They also have their leaders: Charlga Razorflank and Hogger.

Angry Chickens

A wooden cgae full of chickens and one chicken stading on it.
One chicken is already scary, imagine a whole flock. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Trait: Fast.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Charlga Razorflank

Charlga Razorflank from the Warcraft franchise.
She can immobilize foes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Percent Damage, Bombard, and Attack Root.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: Minis in your hand share the same cost.

Gnoll Brute

A gnoll wearing green shorts and hilding a mace.
This hyena laughs at tower damage. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Trait: Tank.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A blue and white harpy with white eyes.
A trio of harpies coming your way. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Trait: Fast.
  • Weak against: Area damage.


Hogger from the Warcraft franchise.
Look at the size of that ham. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Trait: Tank.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Hogger’s movement and attack speed increase 35 percent each time he is played.

Murloc Tidehunters

Two frog-like creatures holding wooden spears. One frog is blue and purple, while the other is green with orange.
Fast and chaotic amphibians. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Trait: Fast.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Old Murk-Eye

Old Mur-Eye from the Warcraft franchise.
It stuns enemies. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE Leader.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Fast.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Summon a Murloc Tidehunter for each Gold spent on other Minis for five seconds after deploying.


A sheep floating in the air with purple clouds under it.
The greatest enemy can just become a sheep. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A grey and wite wolf.
A fast tank in wolf’s skin. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Fast and Tank.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


A boar-like creature wearing green shorts and holding a wooden hammer.
It’s resitant to elemental damage. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Unbound and Resistant.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


Three red raptors with lilac details and green eyes.
Fast moving dinosaurs are scary. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Fast.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


Three green small spiders with purple eyes around a rock.
They bite and they poison. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Poisonous and Vulnerable.
  • Weak against: Area damage.


Two vultures in a trunck. One of the vultures ios holding a stake of meat with its mouth.
They multiply from fallen enemies. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: One Gold.
  • Traits: Fast and Carrion.
  • Weak against: Area Damage.


Blackrock Minis are like the name suggests—rocky—but they are also fire-themed, dealing a lot of elemental damage. Blackrock leaders include Rend Blackhand and General Drakkisath.

Core Hounds

A rock and lava golem with two heads.
It revives! Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Resistant, Revive, and Tank.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Dark Iron Miner

A darwf with red hair and beard and gray skin.
Can be placed directly in a gold vein. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Unbound and Miner.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Deep Breath

A dragon head breathing fire.
Just what is the most terrifying part of a dragon. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A brown dragon flying.
Great against other flying foes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Earth Elemental

An earth elemental.
A tank you can place anywhere you want. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Siege Specialist.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Armored, Unbound, and Siege Damage.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Fire Elemental

A fire elemental.
It’s great to absorb tower damage. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Elemental, and Resistant.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A person with red hair, grey skin, and lava-like eyes, wearing armor and holding one orange hammer in each hand.
Her attack speed increases in combat. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Ranged.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Fury.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


Am yellow and orange half goblin, half snake creature holding a trident.
Its attacks will go farther the more foes it hits. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Bombard.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

General Drakkisath

General Drakkisath from the Warcraft franchise.
A menacing general. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Elemental, and Resistant.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: Nearby enemies take 50 percent more Elemental damage.

Living Bomb

A flame-like creature.
All affected enemies will become dazed. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Molten Giant

A rock giant with lava deitails.
Great to take down towers. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Armored, and Siege Damage.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


A woman with white pigtails, red armor, and orange eyes.
She will melt foes’ armors in a second. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Rend Blackhand

A bomb with smoke surounding it.
Enemies will have to destroy the mount first. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Dismounts.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Smoke Bomb

A bomb with smoke surounding it.
A simple smoke bomb. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: One Gold.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Whelp Eggs

A small dragon on top of a cracked egg.
They reach into their final form when attacked. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental, Unbound, and Hatching.
  • Weak against: Area damage.


The Horde army features the goblin Minis. Leaders like Grommash Hellscream, Sneed, and Cairne Bloodhoof encourage building momentum through earning additional gold, fast attacking Troops, and enemy control with area of effect stuns.

Bat Rider

A female globin with red hair and blue skin riding a huge bat.
She will only attack ground enemies. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Bombard.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Cairne Bloodhoof

Cairne Bloodhoof from the Wacraft franchise.
A tank leader that also increases Horde army’s health. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Attack and Attack Stun.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Your Horde minis have 20 percent increased Health.

Chain Lightning

A blue lighting.
Great against armored enemies. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Darkspear Troll

A male goblin with red hair, blue skin, wearing armor and holding a wooden spear.
Just a ranged goblin. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


A red sword.
Great against tanks. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Frostwolf Shaman

A female goblin with green skin wearing a wolf headpiece and a magic weapon on one of her hands.
A healer goblin. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elementa and Healer.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Goblin Sapper

A goblin with green skin wearing a pair of yellow glasses on top of a bomb.
Warcraft Rumble’s Junkrat. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Siege Specialist.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Siege Damage.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Grommash Hellscream

Grommash Hellscream from the Warcraft franchise.
A leader full of bloodlust. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank and Bloodlust.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: All nearby friendly units gain Bloodlust.

Ogre Mage

A two-headed ogre with blue skin.
It shoots fireballs even though it’s blue. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Bloodlust.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A goblin with green skin wearing a mecha suit.
A mecha suit that can mine. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Armored, and Siege Damage.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Gain two Gold anytime a Siege Damage unit destroys a Tower, opens a Chest, or captures a meeting stone.

Stonehoof Tauren

A female minotaur holding a giant axe.
An adorable tank. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank and Charge.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Warsong Grunts

A big green male goblin with brown hair and beard, wearing armor, and holding an axe.
His speed is increased while in combat. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Five Gold.
  • Traits: Tank and Fury.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Warsong Raider

A big green female goblin with black hair, holding an axe, and riding a wolf.
She looks so badass. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Siege Damage, Fats, and Tank.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


Undead Minis unite the necromancers, zombies, and skeletons into an army. The leaders —Bloodmage Thalnos, Baron Rivendare, and Sylvanas Windrunner—will help to cast strong spells and summon the dead.


A big undead creature with a giant mouth on its belly and one green arm attached to the back of its head. It is holding an axe.
One of the hardest tanks to take down. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Tank and Hook.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A ghost-like female creature with blue skin, blue and grey hair, and a purple dress.
She will take control of an enemy unit. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Trait: Possession.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Baron Rivendare

Baron Rivendare from the Warcraft franchise.
One of the coolest designs. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Armored, Elemental, and Fast.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: Rivendare periodically summons Skeletons at buildings you control.

Bloodmage Thalnos

Bloodmage Thalnos from the Warcraft franchise.
Skull leader for the win. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE Leader.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental.
  • Weak against: One-target units.
  • Leader ability: Thalnos gains one Level for each Spell you play, until death.

Cheat Death

A skull with purple lightining acrosso one of his eyes and nose hole.
Who wouldn’t cheat death. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Spell.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A bat like creature.
A great tank. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Flying.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Tank, Siege Damage, and Armored.
  • Weak against: Squad units.


A undead creaure with his stomach area missing.
Consumes gold to regain health. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Tank and Cannibalize.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Meat Magon

A meat catapult on wheels.
Just a meat catapult on wheels. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Three Gold.
  • Traits: Siege Damage, Longshot, and Bombard.
  • Weak against: One-target units.


A necromancer with a long grey beard, wearing a skulls mask, and holding a skull staff.
Keeps summoning more skeletons. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Elemental and Summoner.
  • Weak against: Squad units.

Plague Farmer

A undead farmer holding a hanuted pumpking in each hand.
Is strong against armored foes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: AoE.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Traits: Poisonous and Bombard.
  • Weak against: One-target units.

Skeleton Party

One skeleton wearing a purple mage robe rising two other skeletons from the ground.
Deals frost damage. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Four Gold.
  • Traits: Unbound, Elemental, and Frost.
  • Weak against: Area damage.


Two skeletons weating armor and holding swords.
Can be placed anywhere on the map. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: Squad.
  • Damage: Melee.
  • Cost: Two Gold.
  • Trait: Unbound.
  • Weak against: Area damage.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Sylvanas Windrunner from the Warcraft franchise.
She summons a banshee on death. Image via Blizzard Entertainment
  • Type: One-target Leader.
  • Damage: Ranged.
  • Cost: Six Gold.
  • Traits: Haunt.
  • Weak against: Squad units.
  • Leader ability: All Undead and Horde Minis gain 30 percent movement speed near Sylvanas.
Image of Nádia Linhares
Nádia Linhares
Nádia is a Brazilian freelance writer who works for Dot since 2020. She has covered everything from Pokémon to FIFA. Video games are an essential part of her life, especially indie games and RPGs. You can catch her playing Overwatch in her spare time, but she writes better than she aims.